Have you ever finished a book, then turned around and immediately re-read it? Why? What book(s)?
For the past three years, my answer is no for fictions. I do re-read a lot of poetry as soon as I finish those. I don't think that counts. With fiction, my TBR pile is so big that I can't really afford to do that. I do have plans of re-reading certain books, for example:
Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
Persepolis by Marjane Satrap
My Father's Paradise by Ariel Sabar
The Horseman's Graves by Jacqueline Baker
And many more.....
When I was younger, I would re-read certain books as soon as I finished one. Like Enid Blytons, Tintin and Asterix graphic novels, Jane Eyre. Then there was a mad phase when I re-read romances as soon as I finished one.
How about you? Do you re-read in one go, or keep it aside to re-read at a future date?
I only ever reread books from my childhood. I like to read books that I haven't read for years, but I could never go straight back into a book and reread it.
I can't reread right away, but Thirteen reasons why I listened to on audiobook and have every intention of reading that one again. It was such a moving book.
I don't think I ever re-read any of my Enid Blytons straight away, but I have re-read them many times over the years. I'm sure I know some of the Famous Fives by heart!
I've got both: Kafka On The Shore, and Half of a Yellow Sun, on my TBR list. Wish me luck (on the read, and potential re-read) :)
I sometimes re-read right away! I've come to terms with the fact that my TBR pile will always be crazy.
Here is mine
I feel like re-reading Half a yellow sun too but as you said the TBR pile is really huge. I am reading My father's paradise and I am thinking I need toread it once again to capture it's entire essense.
I used to read my mallory towers books almost straight away! Now I just try and make a mental note to re-read at some point.
I just have too many books in my TBR to re-read anything.
Like you, I have to many on my TBR pile to reread another book--occassionally, after 6 months, I'll go back or I will listen to the book. Interesting TBR pile, of them I've only read Cold Mountain. Half a Yellow Sun is on my TBR list.
I did it when I was younger, but not entire books now, just chapters or passages.
My daughter loves Haruki Murakami. I don't reread much myself
Other than my ultimate favorites, it happens only when I don’t understand what I’m reading.
I have re-read a few of my favorites, like Pride & Prejudice.
I have Cold Mountain in my TBR.
I re-read, but not right away. Twice I've listned to audio books and then read the print version immediately after.
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