Do you give gift certificates to book stores as presents? If so, do you give for actual stores or online stores? Do you like to receive them yourself?
I don't give out gift cerificates to book stores as presents. Mainly for the reason, most of my friends are not into reading. My nephews and nieces prefer me to buy them books instead of buying it themselves. They let me know what book they want and I buy those books for them. Gift cerificates are convenient but those don't work for everyone. Non-readers don't like receive those.
My brothers do give me gift certificates to bookstores as gifts and I do like to receive those. It gives me flexibility in buying at my own pace.
I don't buy gifts for any readers either, but I do love to receive book store gift certificates.
I'm with you -- love getting gift certificates, but don't usually give them.
I give gift certificates all of the time. Especially for my nieces and nephews because I'm never sure of their style and I can get them cards to their favorite clothing stores. I give reads gift cards too because I love getting them!!
I'm in the same boat as you! Here is Musing Monday 41
I agree. Book gift certificates don't work well with non-readers.
It's safest for gift givers to give me gift cards to bookstores than not because I have so many books already. It's hard for others to know what to get me.
Since I live so far away from most of my family, gift cards are very convenient not to mention cost efficient. If I get them a gift card to a major chain like B&N, Amazon, or Borders, they are free to choose music and movies among other things just as easily as books. So, even for nonreaders, I have found bookstore gift cards extremely useful.
I haven't given a book certificate yet but I might, I have some readers in my family but few f my friends read.
Here is my Monday post
I love book tokens both in giving and receiving!
I prefer certificates because I'm not always sure what other people have read - I don't have many friends I talk about books with.
I love getting book gift cards as gifts, but since many of the people in my life are non-readers, they don't think of it. There are just a few readers in my life and I do give gift certificates to them sometimes.
I love getting book tockens and gift certificates ;0)
I'm the same way about gift certificates.
Love getting book certificates, too.
I'm another that is more into getting the gift cards to bookstores, and wary of giving them. There are only certain people I could ever give one to, and know they appreciated it!
Hi, Gautami! here's mine:
Oh, I love to give and receive bookstore gift cards. I only give to those who I know will use them (my kids, sister, sis-in-law).
Our book group would always give a gift card to members moving away from the group; a nice parting gift, and the person moving could keep up with the group's selections for several months.
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