Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Likeness by Tana French

He hasn't been arrested," Abby said automatically. She dropped back into the chair and ran her hands over her face, blew out a long breath. "I keep telling you, they need evidence to arrest someone. He's fine. Lexie, sit down.

~Page 394

The Likeness
Tana French
ISBN: 978-0143115625

Publisher: Penguin/2009


Detective Cassie Maddox gets a call from Detective Sam O'Neill, who is also her boyfriend, to visit a murder scene in a small town of Glenskehy. She is not very keen to go as she has opted out from the Dublin's Murder Squad. But she does go and is surprised to see the body of a girl, who is exactly her double. That is, has a ID as Alexandra Madison, the same identity Cassie had used while working undercover. No one knows who is that girl and who is the murderer.

When Frank Mackey, Cassie's former undercover boss asks Cassie to impersonate Lexie and take her place as one of the housemates in the Whitethorn House, Cassie and Sam are not very keen about the idea. But Cassie does take Lexie's place. She is pulled into Lexie's life and has to know all about her.

Now who is Lexie really? Why did she have so many identities. What ailed her? And how are the housemates involved in her murder, if they are? Cassie, while living with them, slowly gets embroiled in their lives. And her instincts of investigation comes forth.

Here we see Cassie's life changing in the company of the housemates, who are a close-knit University friends. They are as diverse as they can be yet are bonded well with each other. Cassie's interest in their lives is filled with intrigue and interest. She too can't stay detached for long. She instantly relates with them. We can feel her sadness when the time comes for her to get away from them.

Despite being a long novel, it doesn't deter us from reading it. Tana French has weaved a great story, with well etched out characters. Nowhere we hate the housemates. Even when we know all about them. This novel is supposed to start from In the Woods. I haven't read In The Woods. The Likeness has some background of that novel. However, it works well as a stand alone book too.

Also reviewed by:

Book Addiction

Ms Bookish

Steph & Tony Investigate!

books i done read

Reviews byLola's Blog


Cass said...

I've never read a crime novel before, which is the impression I got. Sounds interesting, I'll have to check that out.

Thanks for visiting my Teaser Tuesday. :) The book is really worth checking out.

Jennifer @ Mrs. Q: Book Addict said...

Sounds interesting. I've heard of this author but i've never read anything by her. Crime novels are a new genre for me, but I've read a few. Enjoy!

Kristin said...

Sounds like a good book!

Here's my teaser.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

This book sounds very tempting...

Here's mine:


Yvonne said...

This sounds like a book I'd like.

Anonymous said...

I read and enjoyed The Woods, so I will have to check this new one out. Great teaser! Mine this week comes from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum. (: Here's the link.

Marg said...

I really liked this book, more than I liked In the Woods. Can't wait for Faithful Place to arrive in my library.

My teasers this week are here.

Deepali said...

Oh, I haven't even heard of this author before!

My Teaser is here - A Conflict of Honors

Audrey said...

Ok - you convinced me! I have to find this book :) Hopefully the library has it or can get it!
Great teaser.
HERE is my teaser for this week.

CMash said...

This one may be going on my tbr bucket list.

Anonymous said...

Great choice for the teaser. I loved loved loved this book and i think that Tana French is an amazing author. I hope you enjoy it too.

Aimee said...

Great teaser! I hope he doesn't get into too much trouble.

My teaser is here.

Novroz said...

Intriguing teaser! Makes me want to know what happen next. I haven't detective in quite a while now

Midnight Sapphire Books said...

Nice Teaser! Thanks for visiting my blog

Kaye said...

Good one! French is on my wish list. I hope you''ve enjoyed the book. Here's my Teaser for the week.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

I have been wanting to read Tana French for awhile, but can't seem to get to it. Really like the teaser and it makes me really want to start this series.

Anachronist said...

Nice teaser, makes you interested in this book.

Here is mine: http://booksasportablepiecesofthought.blogspot.com/2010/07/tuesday-teaser_13.html

jlshall said...

Excellent teaser and review! Haven't read anything by Tana French yet, but I've got all her books on my TBR list. They all sound like great reads.

Teddyree said...

Nice teaser, I havent read one of her books for a while. Good to see you enjoyed it.

Staci said...

I've had both of these books for ever on my shelf...need to get them read soon!