Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Find: Fake ID by Walter Sorrells/Book Blogger Hop

Fake ID by Walter Sorrells

Publisher Comments:

On the night of Chastity's 16th birthday, her mother disappears. Police find blood matching her mother's DNA, but Chass doesn't believe her mother is dead. If Chass can't find her mother in six days, she'll be placed in foster care--or murdered first.


Every Friday, join the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Jennifer (Crazy-For-Books), and hop to some new blogs.

Jennifer asks this week: “What books are you dying to get your hands on?”

My perfect answer would be that I wish to acquire all the good CrimeFiction out there. And also all the poetry books too. From classics to contemporary. As we all know a book lover is never satisfied with numbers.

What do you think about that?


Missy B. said...

Ooooh, that sounds GOOD! Another one to add to my list.

Happy Friday!

Sugar and Snark said...

Never heard of this Author, will have to give him a shot!

Josette said...

Love the cover of Fake ID!

True, a book lover can never have too many books. :)

Anonymous said...

Have fun with the hop today and Fake ID sounds cool. Is it YA??

Alyce said...

That looks like such an intense read!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Wow! Your Friday Find sounds awesome! Thanks for stopping by my place earlier today.

Marce said...

Fake Id sounds superb.

Also if I had to recommend one for you from my top list it would be Ace of Hearts. Thanks for looking and commenting.

My post is here.

Yvonne said...

Your Friday Find sounds very good.

Aleksandra said...

Wow, great find :)

steph said...

Ji from the hop. Fake ID sounds sort of scary. I blog on PNR, UF, and all types of supernatural books, TV/Movies and in life.

I get what you mean about winning against yourself. I am my own biggest obstacle. You can only overcome it piece by piece as each step becomes clear.

Stop on by: Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust