As a whole, I have had a good reading year. I have read so many good books on varied genres. I participated in readathons and was succesful too.
The worst part was I lost my book blog to malware and despite trying my utmost best, google refused to release it. I created it blog and was back to blogging like never before. We Aries never say die! I made a lot of new friends who enriched my reading life. I also got offers from Authors and publicists for book reviews. From my side, I too requested quite a lot of books directly from authors and received a lot too due to their generosity.
Reading has kind of slowed down now. Mainly becos of my personal life. I am at crossroads and reading has not been able to give me pleasure. I can't even write poetry to sustain me.
I have been recycling reviews for the past few weeks. And writing pending reviews. THere are a lot of books that need to be reviewed. Maybe it is good thing that I am not reading much. I had kind of stopped visiting other bloggers too but now I am making an effort to visit and comment. It is slowly helping me read too. I am kind of slow, despite being a fast reader. However, I am not going to let anything deter me. Hopefully, my personal life sorts itself out. And I go back to reading with a bang!
These are my random thoughts this sunday evening. What are yours? All christmassy? Do let me know here!
I hope that with the New Year your enthusiasm comes back in full force!
I hope things get better for you.
I remember when your initial blog was infected. It was such a nightmare for you, but I'm so glad you decided to persevere despite that.
The past couple of months have been busy for me too--I've been preoccupied with things other than reading and blogging. Last week I made an effort to try and get back into it more fully. My dry spell has passed. At least this one.
I hope you have a great week, Gautami!
My random thoughts are all about what I should do this up-coming week. I have time off from work with lots of books I want to read, lots of reviews I need to write and I want to spend time in my art studio. The lawn needs to be mowed and the vegetable garden could use some weeding and the downstairs part of my house really needs to be cleaned and I have two stacks of papers that I need to grade.
So, of course, I'm going out for a coffee.
Hope things are back where they should be for you soon.
I'm so Christmas-y that I probably light up like a Christmas tree. And I'm awash in great books...Too Much Happiness...This is Where I Leave You...Gate at the Stairs...Cold...Stones Into Schools....Happy, happy, happy.
Hope you get your mojo back soon.
I've had a little break from blogging whilst moving house. There is still a lot to do - unpacking and sorting out where everything goes, but I'm itching to getting back to reading, writing and visiting other bloggers. As for Christmas I'm not ready for that yet!
I hope you get back your enthusiasm soon.
I hope you have another great year in books! It's been great getting to know you through your reviews.
Hopefully the new year will kind of give you a fresh start.
I'm in Christmas mode now and getting little reading done.
I hope 2010 will have you reading with wild abandon :)
Wishing you all the best in 2010 (and beyond)!
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