Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Teaser Tuesdays: The Scottish Thistle by Cindy Vallar

Earlier, Thistle had blessed the torrential rain. Now, the smuggler cursed it.

Title: The Scottish Thistle
Author: Cindy Vallar
ISBN: 1592797121
Publisher: Amber Quill Press/2006
Pages: 404

About the book:

Loyalty and honor. A Highland warrior prizes both more than life, and when he swears his oath on the dirk, he must obey or die. Duncan Cameron heeds his chief’s order without question, but discovers his wife-to-be is no fair maiden. Although women are no longer trained in the art of fighting, Rory MacGregor follows in the footsteps of her Celtic ancestors. Secrets from the past and superstitious folk endanger Rory and Duncan as much as Bonnie Prince Charlie and his uprising to win back the British throne for his father. Rory and Duncan must make difficult choices that pit honor and duty against trust and love.


My views:

Notwithstanding the storyline, this book takes us into the highlands and lowlands of Scotland, a veritable journey into its history. We learn about its customs, culture and about its proud people. At a first glance, it looks like a romance, but it isn't so. Rory is fiercely independent. Duncan too knows that he can't tame her spirit. He loves her for it. When they have to choose sides to fight for causes, their love is truly tested. However, that is not the only interest. It is the historic bit which engrossed me. For all those history lovers, it is a book worth picking up.

Thanks to Tracee of Pump Up Your Book Promotion Virtual Tour for the book.


BooksPlease said...

This sounds great!

Margot said...

I'd love to know more about Scottish history.

Margot said...

I'd love to know more about Scottish history.

Harvee44 said...

The name of the book is intriguing. Love historical novels. Here's my teaser

JoAnn said...

I hadn't heard of this one...it sounds great!

apple blossom said...

Sounds good. I almost took that book to read and review. I'm just so booked up I passed it up.

Here's my teaser


BurtonReview said...

So odd that the few Scotland stories I've come across all feature a MacGregor or a Duncan. LOL
Hope you enjoy it!
My teaser is here at The Burton Review

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, I love the cover of this book! And the teaser is tempting!

Mine is here:


Lisa said...

ohh i love the cover!

here's mine for this week

Andrea said...

Great teaser! Sounds like an interesting book.

Lisa said...

It's always a bonus when a book gives you a fun history lesson.

Here’s my teaser. It’s about the history of the Triads and it’s posted at my brand new website!

Malcolm R. Campbell said...

I like Scots stories, so this book will have to be checked out.


P.S. My teaser is here:


Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

This sounds good. Thanks for commenting today!!

Jennifer said...

I was going to review this book and for the life of me cannot recall why I did not. There was romance involved? That could have been why, however, from a historical perspective it is my type of novel. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2009/12/possibility-teaser-tuesdays.html

Lisa said...

I seeeriously LOVE historical fiction set in Scotland. LOVE. Great job!

Mine is here:

Anonymous said...

The book cover is wonderful, I lovbe historical fictions.
Here is mine:http://sumanam.wordpress.com/

Anonymous said...

Love anything Sottish and historical romances. I'll have to look for this one.

Beth said...

I love books set in Scotland!

Cindy Vallar said...

Thanks for the wonderful review. So glad you enjoyed my book. By the way, you'll find pictures of the places where the story takes place at my website, http://www.cindyvallar.com/scotland.html

CeeCee said...

Your review makes it sound really good.

jlshall said...

Sounds like a great read. I'm not usually a huge fan of historical fiction, but I might have to give this one a try. Thanks for the teaser and review.

Cecelia said...

Torrential rain does tend to bring out strong emotions... This one sounds interesting - I like the focus on Scottish history. Great teaser!

Thanks for coming by my blog earlier!

DelGal Reviews said...

What a lovely post - definitely makes me want to read it :)

Susan said...

This is not one that I've heard of before, but it looks good :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good book. I love the title.

Nise' said...

This history lover will check it out.

Yvonne said...

Sounds really interesting!

The Wandering Reader said...

I love books about Scotland! I hadn't heard of this one before, but it looks like a winner.

Although I have to agree with @Marie Burton; nearly all books about/set in Scotland seem to include a Duncan! :)

Here's my Teaser Tuesday for the week.