Sunday, December 6, 2009

Read. Read. Read-A-Thon: 2nd Update

Read. Read. READ-A-THON

After an enthusiastic start, it fell flat! I had read 30 odd pages of Dead Floating Lovers and due to some unforseen circumstances, I had to go out and returned around midnight. I read 10 pages of a poetry book and fell asleep. I was supposed to wake up early but as I was too tired, I simply couldn't!

I am lagging behind, feel so bad that I haven't been visiting anyone. I kind of feel demoralised. However, I also know that in this leftover time, I will try to catch up, fiishing at least two books and visiting people.

I need you all to encourage me. Now back to my reading....


Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks said...

Encouragement is here!

Don't be so hard on yourself!

Have fun!

Remember to hydrate, eat, move around!

Go, go, go (if you can; if you want to)

bermudaonion said...

Don't give up! You can still do it!

Shannansbooks said...

Don't give up you are doing great. Sometimes real life gets in the way it does not matter how much your read just that you feel good doing it.

Ashley said...

You're doing great! No matter what or how much you read you just need to have fun! Good luck!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Don't be hard on yourself....It's all good. You are reading and that is good. You are blogging and that is good.

Hang in there!

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

Keeeeeep it up!!! You are doing great- page count doesn't matter.

Are you still going over there?

I hope you are feeling better about it now :P

Book Dragon said...

Ditto what Dawn said! And don't forget to enjoy.