Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Teaser Tuesdays: The Captive by Brenda Joyce

"Alex felt a wave of grief sweeping over her as she thought about how unjust his execution was. Why had the bashaw of Tripoli condemned him to death while his crew were ransomed and freed?"

Title: Captive
Author: Brenda Joyce
ISBN: 9780380781485
Publisher: Avon/2001
Pages: 448

One thing I will say about Brenda Joyce is that she sure knows how to involve the reader in her romance novels. We all know the romance novels have predictable endings but it is the plot and twists that can make it memorable. Joyce has the abilty to do that. I consider her one of the best romance writers of our times, even though she writes historical novels.

In this novel, Alex, a graduate student, is studying history and is drawn to a man, who lived 200 years ago. A commander of US merchantmen, he for some unknown reason has been captured by the Bashaw of Tripoli and executed. Alex is compelled to know more about him and lives for Tripoli on a whim. There is she finds herself going back in time and awaits meeting Xavier Blackwell. She has been taken for a slave and is being prepared to marry the Bashaws' son.

The plot is good but somehow Alex seems totally unfit for those times. She seems frivolous and too daring, not thinking about the consequences of her actions in those days of slavery. However, the chance encounter between Xavier and Alex changes the course of history. It does have loose ends but with a different story line it has its good moments.


Staci said...

I loved your teaser. This isn't my style of book but it sounds like you enjoyed it.

Susan said...

Uh oh, an execution :( Sounds like a sad story. Looks like a pretty interesting book though. Time travel!

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

This sounds very unusual, Im glad that you liked it.

My teaser is from Little Women

Astrid (Mrs.B) said...

Interesting teaser and I love your Kafka quote! I agree.

Here's my teaser:The Literary Stew

Pam said...

Sounds interesting (a usual with your books). I'll have to check it out. Here's mine: http://iwriteinbooks.wordpress.com/2010/01/26/teaser-tuesday-the-time-travelers-wife-audrey-niffenegger/

Katrina said...

Awe, I am not sure I could read this book, I get to emotional. Here is teaser.

Darlyn said...

woa..i just bought this book in a used book store..havent read it yet but plan later..that is some good teaser too..

here's my teaser this week;


Amy said...

That's a real teaser. I don't read many romances but this one sounds interesting.

Marg said...

I have posted a teaser from a romance novel this week as well!

My teaser is here.

Kaye said...

Sounds like a good read for you. Have a great week and more happy reading.

My teaser can be found

Stephanie said...

I really like this teaser. I rarely read romance, but this story does sound intriguing.

I enjoyed your comments about the female protagonist seeming out of her time and too frivolous for the situation. It must be hard to write historical characters really well.

Jennifer said...

Sounds like an excellent question. I am very intrigued by your teaser. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/01/teaser-tuesdays-highlanders-destiny.html

Alayne said...

Excellent teaser, very intriguing. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

Harvee44 said...

Great teaser! I'd love to know the reason too. Here's my Teaser

j said...

Nice teaser heres mine

Calico Crazy said...

I don't know that I'd read this but your teaser sure did make me curious. My teaser is up at Calico Contemplations.

Lisa said...

I love time travel books! And I have never HEARD of this author before!

Here's my teaser:


fredamans said...


Beth said...

Sounds like a very interesting read.

Zia said...

Sounds sad. Wonder what he did.

Anonymous said...

I love that you are a fellow Brenda Joyce fan. She really is one of the best.
Haven't read this one. Yet :)