Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday: Mailbox/What Am I reading?/Musing

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. It has finally found a permanent  home at Mailbox Monday with the following new administrators:

Leslie of Under My Apple Tree
Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit
Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach

I received the following print copy in the last week of December and forgot to mention it in my previous MM post. thanks to the author:

Chilled To The Bones by Quentin Bates

When a shipowner is found dead, tied to a bed in one of Reykjavik's smartest hotels, sergeant Gunnhildur Gisladottir of the city police force sees no evidence of foul play but still suspects things are not as cut and dried as they seem. A Gunnhildur Gisladottir mystery set in Iceland.

When a shipowner is found dead, tied to a bed in one of Reykjavik's smartest hotels, sergeant Gunnhildur Gisladottir of the city police force sees no evidence of foul play but still suspects things are not as cut and dried as they seem. And as she investigates the shipowner's untimely - and embarrassing - demise, she stumbles across a discreet bondage society whose members are being systematically exploited and blackmailed.

I downloaded the following e books:


His Island Bride by Shadonna Richards
Herbal Remedies Guide: All About Herbal Medicine by Diane Wilson


Little Girl Lost by Brian McGilloway
The Billionaire Wins the Game by Melody Anne 


The Doctor's Secret Bride by Anna E. Ross
The Good Knight (A Gareth and Gwen Medieval Mystery) by Sarah Woodbury


Hosted by Sheila @ One Person's Journey Through a World of BooksWe discuss the books that we've read and what we're planning to read for the week. 

I finished reading the following:

11. Dead Water by Ann Cleeves (Crime Fiction)
10. The Doctor's Secret Bride by Anna E. Ross (Romance)
9. The Lantern by Deborah Lawrenson (Gothic Suspense)
8. Where's My Son by John C. Dalglish (Novella)
7. Clamor by Elyse Fento (Poetry)
6. Something About Her by Jeannie Ruesch (Historical Romance)

I reviewed the following on my blog:


Musing Mondays asks you to muse about something related to books each week…

• Are “best” and “favorite” the same thing? If someone asked you “What’s the best book you ever read?” would the answer be the same as for “What’s your favorite?

I don't think the best and favourite are the same thing. I have many favourite books and those are not necessarily the best ones I have read.

One of my all time favourite is Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome. However, it is not the best book I have read. There are many books which come under the best category. I am not going to limit it to one here.


bermudaonion said...

I hope your new book is as good as it sounds.

Nise' said...

You had a great reading week. I got Dirty Little Secrets too.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Lots of great books here!

Kimberly @ Turning the Pages said...

Wow! You got a lot of reading done! I'll be checking a few of them out :)

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Enjoy your new books!

JC Jones said...

I agree best and favorite are two entirely different things.

Click here to go to Mixed Book Bag

Leydy said...

enjoy your books!!

These are the books we are reading this week.

Leydy @ OUaT & Redcarpetendings

Elizabeth said...

Chilled to the Bone would be one I wouldn't read alone. :)

ENJOY your week.

Silver's Reviews
My Mailbox Monday

Julie said...

I'm with you; I totally don't think "best" and "favorite" book equal the same thing ... although right now I'd be hard-pressed to pick just ONE of either! You did a LOT of reading and reviewing! Oh, my gosh! Enjoy your reading week!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic pile of books you have. I have never got on with Quentin Bates so I'll be interested to see if you enjoy it - the blurb sounds good.

Anonymous said...

That a pretty nice pile of books to have!

Sonia Lal

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

I read Far to Go a while back. I'm going to go read your review now.

The Reading Date said...

Chilled to the Bone looks like a good one! Enjoy and have a great week :)

Anonymous said...

I wrote a post about the difference between best and favorite. It's hard to define but easy to recognize :)