Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Freda's Voice 100+ Book Challenge 2014

I had given up on challenges as I wanted to read at my own pace and the novels I chose! However, that has only made me lag behind my reading! So this year I am opting for a few challenges. First one I choose is hosted by Freda. So here goes in her words:

Welcome to the first ever reading challenge here on Freda’s Voice that we are hosting!
I decided to do this challenge due to my love for it, and my frustrations with other blogs that have hosted it. I’m not calling anyone out, but to have a successful challenge you need to keep up to date with the Linky lists, postings each month for your participants, and sometimes prizes help. I aim to do those and maybe more. We’ll see how it goes, but I’ll at least keep things up-to-date.
So the rules are as follows:
1. Create a post, but list as you read, either a blog or GoodReads, somewhere I can see it, and leave your url to that post in the Linky below.
2. Read some books. Any books. No limit in pages, even the phone book counts if that is your fancy. Just read!
3. That’s it!


My list:

1) One Dead Cookie by Virginia Lowell
2) Inspector Singh Investigates: A Calamitous Chinese Killing by Shamini Flint
3) Death, Taxes and Green Tea Ice Cream by  Diane Kelly
4) Dirty Little Secrets by Liliana Hart


bermudaonion said...

Good luck!

Harvee44 said...

Thanks for letting us know about this. I have joined Freda's challenge and dropped the other 100 Book challenge that was difficult to link to.
Book Dilettante

fredamans said...

Thanks for joining in the challenge Guatami! I look forward to your reviews and your list!

Happy new year!