Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday: Mailbox/What Am I reading?/Musing

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. It has finally found a permanent  home at Mailbox Monday with the following new administrators:

Leslie of Under My Apple Tree
Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit
Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach

I received the following novels, thanks to the authors/publicists:

The Norfolk Mystery by Ian Sansom: 

In The Norfolk Mystery, the first in the County Guides series, we meet Swanton Morley. Eccentric, autodidact - the 'People's Professor.'

Morley plans to write a series of guides to the counties of England. He employs a young assistant, Stephen Sefton, veteran of the Spanish Civil War, and together with Morley's daughter, Miriam, they set off through Norfolk, where their sightseeing tour quickly turns into a murder investigation.

As Morley confronts the conventions of class, education and politics in 1930s England, as Sefton flees his memories of the war, and as Miriam seeks romance, join them on their first adventure into the dark heart of England.

When Morley's map leads to mystery, no one is above suspicion!

Murder Strikes a Pose by Tracy Weber

When George and Bella—a homeless alcoholic and his intimidating German shepherd—disturb the peace outside her studio, yoga instructor Kate Davidson’s Zen-like calm is stretched to the breaking point. Kate tries to get rid of them before Bella scares the yoga pants off her students. Instead, the three form an unlikely friendship.

One night Kate finds George’s body behind her studio. The police dismiss his murder as a drug-related street crime, but she knows George wasn’t a dealer. So Kate starts digging into George’s past while also looking for someone to adopt Bella before she’s sent to the big dog park in the sky. With the murderer nipping at her heels, Kate has to work fast or her next Corpse Pose may be for real.

Aspiring actress and wedding-cake decorator Piper Donovan has barely arrived in New Orleans to perfect her pastry skills at the renowned French Quarter bakery, Boulangerie Bertrand, when a ghastly murder rocks the magical city. Intrigued by the case, Piper can't help but look for the "Hoodoo Killer" among the faces around her. Could it be the handsome guide eager to give her special private tours? Or the inscrutable jazz musician who plays on historic Royal Street? What about the ratings-starved radio talk-show host? Or even the amiable owner of the local Gris-Gris Bar?
Though Piper has a full plate decorating cakes for upcoming wedding celebrations, she's also landed an exciting but unnerving role in a movie being shot in the Big Easy. When the murderer strikes again, leaving macabre clues, she thinks she can unmask the killer. But Piper will have to conjure up some old black magic of her own if she hopes to live long enough to reveal the truth.

Dead Set by Will Carver:

Following on from Girl 4 and The Two, Detective Inspector January David is back in a fantastic new thriller.

Detective Inspector January David doesn't love me.

He loves his missing sister. He loves his job.

But he doesn't love me. Not in the way he should.

I am his wife. I am still his wife.

And I will do anything for him.

No matter what I have to sacrifice.


Hosted by Sheila @ One Person's Journey Through a World of BooksWe discuss the books that we've read and what we're planning to read for the week. 

I finished reading the following:

Displaced Persons by Ghita Schwarz
Cera's Place by Elizabeth McKenna
Baby, It's Cold Outside by Genevieve Jourdin

I reviewed the following on my blog:


Musing Mondays asks you to muse about something related to reading/books each week…

After reading one book a day for 12 days of January, I have taken the slow route. I need not hurry. I don't have to win any kind of race....!!


bermudaonion said...

Those books look perfect for you!

Anonymous said...

One book a day for twelve days, wow! Very impressive.
Enjoy your new titles!

Harvee said...

Murder Strikes a Pose, yaah! Hope you like it! Enjoy the rest of the books too!
Book Dilettante

Anonymous said...

Very true--it ISN'T a race! I read a quote once--can't remember who said it--but it's something like "The point isn't to see how many books you can get through--it's to find out how many books get through to you." There's a big difference . . .

Marce said...

All look good but Dead Set is grabbing me, can't wait for that review.

Anonymous said...

Dead Set looks just like my kind of read. I'm looking forward to your review of that one!

LIbrary Lady said...

Great suggestions. I always love to see what other people are reading.

Anonymous said...

of course, you need not to run. no race.
still, there're reading challenges -for me, so getting slowing down still okay but i need to put awareness i the same time.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy! your new reads.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

The cover of Murder Strikes A Pose always makes me laugh.

The Reading Date said...

Looks like your reading is off to a great start this year. Enjoy your new books!

Serena said...

Just love the cover of Norfolk Mystery.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

I like your Monday Muse. A book a day, wow! It took me twelve days to read my first book of the year. I did manage to listen to a few audiobooks during that time though.

Tracy Weber said...

I hope you LOVE Murder Strikes a Pose!