Challenge runs from January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2014
Hosted by herding cats & burning soups. Sign up here.
The goal is to read at least 12 Historical Romances!
- Level 1--12 historical romance
- Level 2--18 historical romances
- Level 3--24 historical romance
- Level 4--30+ historical romances
**Note**You can change your level at any time. It's just a starting point :)
**Note** I'll be adding a check list of ideas (historical romance w/ arranged marriage, w/enemies to lovers, w/ older heroine, younger hero, etc for those that would like to use that.
What counts!
- Every historical romance you read and review in 2014
- Any time period prior to 1920 qualifies.
- They can be historical paranormal, historical erotica, m/m, f/f, etc.
- All historical romances over 100 pages in length--audio, ebook, print
- Re-reads, cross overs from other challenges
To Join!
Grab the challenge button and create a post or page on your blog to track progress.
Non-bloggers you can use your Goodreads, LibraryThing, etc profiles. Just create a 2014 Historical Romance Reading Challenge shelf
Link your blog starting post/page or your Goodreads/etc challenge shelf in the linky below.
I am going for level 2---to read 18 Historical Romances
Wondering what’s a chunkster? A chunkster is an adult or YA book, non-fiction or fiction, that’s 450 pages or more.
Rules for this challenge:
- Audio books and e-books are now allowed. You want to listen to a chunkster on audio? Be my guest.
- Essay, short story, and poetry collections are allowed but they have to be read in their entirety to count.
- Books may crossover with other challenges.
- Anyone can join.
- You don’t have to list your book ahead of time.
- Graphic novels don’t count. Sorry guys but reading a chunkster graphic novel isn’t the same as reading a non-graphic chunkster.
As I read a lot of chunksters, I can do this easily!

This is the fourth, and probably final, year of the
TBR Dare. Dakota and I started this little non-challenge four years ago and it's become something of a tradition for many of our longtime readers here at Ready When You Are, C.B. I wasn't sure about doing it again this year, now that I've gone into semi-retirement, but when I mentioned it last week, several people commented that they were looking forward to doing it again this year so.....
We were on schedule to have a triple dare this year since last year was the double dog dare, but I'm skipping ahead to the final ultimate level of school yard dare....the triple dog dare. There is no higher level of dare.
It's now or never.
Are you brave enough to take the dare?
The rules* are simple: read only books in your TBR pile or on your library reserve list as of January 1, 2014 for the entire months of January, February and March. The TBR Triple Dog Dare will end on April 1, 2014.
Also joining the Deal Me In 2014 Short Story Reading Challenge hosted by Bibliphilopolis
I was complaining that people don't sign up for challenges much anymore on another blog. So, I think I'm listen to my own words and sign up for one. Maybe the Chunkster challenge. I have a few very thick books on my TBR shelf.
James, I did not sign up for a single challenge in 2012 and 2013. My reading took a nose dive. This year I have signed a few!
Looks like some fun reading. I'm joining you on the Chunkster Challenge!
Joy's Book Blog
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