Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A-Z Wednesday: The Wolf of Tebron by C S Lakin

Author: C S Lakin
ISBN: 9780899578880
Publisher: AMG Publishers
Pages: 272

Book Blurb

A young blacksmith must undertake a perilous journey to the four ends of the world to rescue his wife, who is held captive by the Moon. Along the way, he befriends a powerful wolf who encourages, protects, and ultimately sacrifices his life to save his human friend. A stirring allegory of Gods love in classic fairy tale tradition.

My views:

Currently I am reading it and surprisingly, liking it too. Will post my review soon.


Staci said...

I have a review copy of this one too. Glad to see that you're enjoying it so far!

Unknown said...

Wow, I like that idea of a wolf protector.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

This is a great view of wolves...protectors. Sounds good.

Here's mine:

Click my name for the link.

Nise' said...

Glad you are enjoying it. Sounds like a good one.

Michelle said...

I like the cover.
Another book to put on my TBR list.
I hope you continue to enjoy it.

My `C` is up

fredamans said...

I won the book and received it yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Glad you like it!

Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

You read some pretty interesting books. Continue to enjoy this one. I'll keep my eye out for your review.

Yvonne said...

Sounds like a good one!