Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mondays: Mailbox/Whereabouts

Started by Marcia, this August, Monday Mailbox is hosted by Shanyn at Chick Loves Lit

I received the following four books, thanks to the authors/publicists:

1) An Expert In Murder by Nicola Upson

Josephine Tey moves from classic real-life crime writer and playwright to unwilling fictional sleuth in this atmosphere-laden cozy. Tey is journeying from her home in Inverness to London in 1934, to see the final week of her hit play. She befriends a young woman who enters her carriage; of course, the woman is a completely agog fan. Tey disembarks in London; the woman reenters the carriage and is promptly murdered. A disturbing feature of the murder is its staging: the victim is propped up to look in admiration at two dolls who seem to be representing one of Tey’s scenes. What may be disturbing to the reader is the forced link between Detective Inspector Archie Penrose, who finds the body, and Tey herself; they’re longtime friends, inevitably drawing Tey into the inside of the investigation.

2) Letters from Sweetwater by Dale Garland

Deep in the mountains of North Carolina is a tiny but wondrous valley called Sweetwater. Mysterious forces, both good and evil, have converged there to produce a tender but compelling story. Through occasional flights of fantasy, Jesse Gernon gets to peep "behind the curtain" and catch a glimpse of the Glory land. What he discovers there may prove to be far different from anything you ever have imagined, but come see for yourself and be prepared for the unexpected. When Keith, Jesse's troubled uncle, comes to visit, it is with the intent of disclosing a secret he hints could involve the family honor. En route, however, he encounters a mysterious stranger who strongly advises against such. Soon thereafter Keith is stricken with bacterial encephalitis, leaving him permanently brain damaged and with amnesia... Is his secret lost forever?

3) Deadly Fear by Cynthia Eden

Monica Davenport, a FBI special agent, has the ability to think like a serial killer, profile them and finally, nab them. Lucas Dante has the protective instinct for the victims. He can put them at their ease and cooperate with him in the investigations. Together, they make a terrific team professionally.

For more, read my review here..

4) Angel Song by Sheila Walsh and Kathryn Cushman

Angels eagerly watch over Annie Fletcher's every move. She just doesn't know it yet.

When Annie Fletcher returns to Charleston to see her younger sister, Sarah, receive her master's degree, she finds herself riding in the back of an ambulance, watching helplessly as Sarah fights for life. During the ride, Sarah appears to talk to someone who is not there, humming a melody Annie has never heard before.

Neighbor Ethan McKinney is there to lend a shoulder when Sarah unexpectedly dies. And as a carpenter, Ethan volunteers to help Annie get the Fletcher family home into shape for selling. Ethan's presence is distracting, but what troubles Annie is her neighbor Tammy's 12-year-old son. Keith has Down Syndrome and the guile to believe he can see and hear angels.


In the past week:

I finished:

Deadly Fear by Cynthia Eden

I am in the midst of reading:

literarily nothing! Or too many books, which amounts to samething..*grin*

I posted reviews of:

the Language of Trees by Ilie Ruby
Deadly Fear by Cynthia Eden
The Gendarme by Mark T. Mustian


bermudaonion said...

It looks like you're in for some good reading! I hope you're doing well and have a great week.

Maree said...

Oh that mystery with Tey looks interesting! Happy reading :-)

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I have not heard of any of these, but I hope that you enjoy them.

Jennifer @ 5 Minutes for Books said...

You are in the middle of reading Nothing??? I don't know if that's ever happened to me, because I'm usually reading 2 or 3 at once, so even if I finish one, there are others in progress.

wisteria said...

What a diverse collection. I'm not familiar with these. Now to decide what to read next.

DCMetroreader said...

I haven't heard of any of these either, but hope you enjoy them.

Happy reading!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I have to peek at your Language of Trees review! :D Have a super week!

Anonymous said...

I spy with my golden eye.....two books that i would love to read; An Expert in Murder and Deadly Fear LOL. Great books this week, you're so lucky : )

Happy Reading!!!

Alayne said...

Ooh the Upson book looks fabulous! Such a great cover. My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.

Nikki in Niagara said...

An Expert in Murder sounds interesting but I think I should read one of the author's books because I've never read an author with my first name before!

Jess said...

off to read your Language of Trees review. Have a great week!

Irene said...

what a nice collection to add to TBR pile. I'd like to read Angel Song.

mpartyka said...

Angel Song looks so good - I'm adding this to my list!

Nise' said...

All three books look like good reads! I read a few reviews for Language of Trees. I may have to add it to my ever growing list.

Beth(bookaholicmom) said...

I have Angel Song here to read. It sounds like a moving story. Enjoy all your new reads!

Gwendolyn B. said...

I think I'll have to make note of the Tey book - I just love a good period mystery. Happy reading!

Carol said...

I love the cover for An Expert in Murder. Enjoy your new books.

Wrighty said...

I haven't read any of these yet but they all sound good! And beautiful covers too! Enjoy them all!! :)

Anonymous said...

looks like you have a few murders there - just what I like! Happy reading

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

Good batch!

I am hosting a giveaway on Rose City Reader for one of the books in my mailbox.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

The cover of an expert on Murder is fantastic! Enjoy all the great books :D

Violet said...

Great books, I love the cover of Angel Song

Alyce said...

These are all new to me, but they look like fun!

Anna said...

I haven't heard of these, so I'm looking forward to your thoughts. Happy reading!

Jenny Q said...

What a diverse bunch of books! I hadn't heard of any of them, but Sweetwater and Angel Song particularly appeal to me! Thanks for stopping by my Mailbox!

Erotic Horizon said...

enjoy your reading this week- those look so good..

I must drag out my Eden book and read.. Soon...


Laura @ I'm Booking It said...

I liked Deadly Fear more than you did, probably because I was reading it as a romance rather than a thriller, so the steamy scenes were less out of place.

I haven't heard of An Expert in Murder before, but I'm very intrigued-- that could be really good.

Enjoy your reading!

Serena said...

looks like you got some great books. happy reading.

Shonda said...

All the books you received look good. Enjoy your loot!