Sunday, August 22, 2010

TSS: Blog Cleaning, Reading and this that

On Friday, I found out that I had subscribed to 546 blogs on my Google Reader. (I prefer the reader any day. I don't really use the Google connect.) Now, 500+ blogs are too much, especially when I usually read 50-70 blogs a week, and most of those are my regular blogs. Those include book blogs, poetry blogs and a few random blogs.

Yesterday I made up my mind to check out my reader and decided to clean it up. I found many bloggers who have not posted for the last three months or so. And then I found that there were a lot of blogs which only dealt with YA/Fantasy/Paranormal/Kiddie books. Then there are some which only did Book tours/Author Interviews/Guest posts. Those were first to go under the scanner! I can live with memes....I take part in a few but I do the memes in my own way, posting book reviews for those. And only of books that I have read over the week.

I culled all those blogs (YA/Fantasy/Paranormal/Kiddie books/Book tours/Author Interviews/Guest posts, along with sleeping blogs) out of my Google Reader and now I have 308 blogs. Un-subscribing 238 blogs was daunting but I did it. Most of those were book blogs, which did not interest me any more. I know I will cull more blogs over the next few days. Next time I go blog hopping, I will only add eclectic blogs, those blogs which contain wide range of genres and are well written.

Coming back to reading, I have not been reading much. I have not read anything this past week. Today I plan to finish The Prince of Tebron by C. S. Lakin.

Also I have to go out and buy stuff for my brothers for Raksha Bandhan, (a festival celebratiing the sibling bond between brothers and sisters), which falls on 24th of August. I will write about it next week, along with pictures!


bermudaonion said...

I need to take the time to do that too, because I'm still subscribed to blogs that no longer exist I'm sure.

JoAnn said...

That is a task I need to tackle, too!

Mason Canyon said...

I'm getting close to the 200 mark as far blogs I visit so I guess I need to keep a close eye on it.

Thoughts in Progress

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I'm a librarian, so organizing is what I do best. I organized my reader this week, too, and created a file name for those blogs that I want to visit often. I also created some other file names for those that I visit more sporatically. I like this much better.

CMash said...

I give you a lot of credit..checking out 500+ blogs and editing must have been a huge task. Good for you!!
I am looking forward to your postings on Raksha Bandhan, to learn about it. I love learning about different traditions, I find it very interesting.

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

Yeah I had to cull recently as well.

Unknown said...

I've culled my blog link list annually for several years. Many blogs do go to sleep for months as you say.

I love the sibling festival. Thanks for the link about it. I think that's a wonderful idea.

Wendy said...

You did EXACTLY what I need to do. I have a hard time being ruthless...but I think that is what I should be!

Ramesh Sood said...

Thanks Gautami for having brought me here.. somehow yet to become tech savvy.. don't know much how to reach the wealth placed here by beautiful minds like you.. I am reading Paulo Coehlo's Inspirations.. beautiful extacts from Classics..

Gos bless! And thanks for your encouragement on my 100th post..

Heather @ Book Addiction said...

I did a similar thing myself recently. I reorganized my GR and got rid of blogs that haven't updated in a long time, plus ones I don't really fit with content-wise. Now my GR is much more manageable!

Kelly said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I know exactly what you mean about all those YA/paranormal etc blogs that no longer interest you! I need to go through my reader one of these days and either organize it better or stop following blogs I never read. Following you now-looks like you read some really good books!

Samantha said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I can so relate to cleaning up your Google reader. I cleaned mine out less than a month ago, since I had over 1000 blogs!

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of blogs!

I know what you mean about the YA/Fantasy/Giveaway/author interview blogs - they look all exciting and glittery but I find, ahem, that they lack substance - or the kind of substance that I like, anyway. They rather remind me of Much Music or MTV or something, for short attention spans ;)

(visiting you on the Hop, btw - thanks for visiting my blog!)

~ Shannon
Giraffe Days

Ordinary Reader said...

I'm stopping in from the blog hop. I'm finding some of the blogs I'm following have stopped posting as well, and there seem to be many now that are mostly reviewing paranormal which I don't read at all. I don't understand the fascination with vampires, but it certainly is working well for some authors. To each his own I guess.
Nice to meet you, Dianne

Gavin said...

I need to do this! I have no idea how many I have on my reader but I did go through the links on my blog and deleted the blogs that seen to have faded away. Thanks for the inspiration, Gautami.

Andi said...

I did a good clean out a while back, and it's probably time to do it again. At the very least, I need to do a good bit of categorizing.

Veens said...

I did this blog cleaning thing sometime back and it is a huge relief! But I STILL have 1000+ posts! I dnt knw what to do about THAT!

Happy Rakshabandhan DAY!

Amanda said...

I did that a while ago and it was a big relief, though I still have tons of blogs that I subscribe to that show up on my Reader. Every once in a while I need to just buckle down and remove those that I skim over or have no interest in. Also, there are just too many times I mark "items older than a day" as read just so I can feel somewhat caught up. It's a neverending cycle, though I do love it. :)

Anonymous said...

I cleaned mine out this past winter and felt so much better. And then I did it again this summer with the knowledge that once my baby comes I couldn't possible keep up. I'm actually down to 160 which I find manageable! I might even be able to add a few from BBAW this year :)