Friday, August 20, 2010

Book Blogger Hop/Follow Me/Friday Find

Every Friday, join the Follow Friday, hosted by ParaJunkee and Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Jennifer (Crazy-For-Books), and follow/hop to some new blogs.

Jennifer asks this week: How many blogs do you folllow?"

I mostly follow blogs via google reader, except for a handful that are via google connect. Today I found that I follow 546 blogs! That is a very big figure. These include mostly book blogs, poetry blogs and a few random blogs.

However, out of those there are only around 60-70 blogs that I interact regularly. Not daily though.

BTW, I found quite a lot of blogs via Book Blogger Hop/Follow me, and expect to find more!

This past week, I wrote a few poems, which I posted on my other blog, rooted. You can check those out:

I also found the following book, which I added to my wish list:

Afrikaner Zatopek "Zet" van Heerden, a former cop, is slipping fast into drunken dissolution when a colleague pulls him up and gives him an opportunity. An attorney, Hope Beneke, needs a private investigator fast to find a missing will. An antiques dealer, Johannes Jacobus Smit, was recently found burnt with a blowtorch and shot execution-style, the contents of his walk-in safe, including his will, gone. Beneke and van Heerden have only seven days to find the document before Smit's considerable assets revert to the state, leaving his common-law wife destitute. It doesn't take long for van Heerden to discover that "Smit" wasn't the person whose papers he carried, and that someone very important, quite possibly the state itself, wants to hide his true identity. Meyer keeps the suspense moving throughout the third-person narrative, alternating back and forth with van Heerden's own first-person account of his past.


bermudaonion said...

I subscribe to close to 250 blogs, so you've got me beat!!

Marce said...

I didn't realise you had a poem blog, look forward to checking that out. I knew you enjoyed reading poetry.

I think you will like my finds this week.

Tasha said...

Hi! I'm just stopping by from the hop... I'm currently hosting a few giveaways, so stop by my blog to enter. Have a great weekend! :)

~Book Obsessed

Missy said...

Hi! Just dropping by to wish you a wonderful weekend!!

Happy reading!
Missy @ Missy's Reads & Reviews

TexasRed said...

I'm usually right at the limit of whatever Blogger will let me follow. Seems like I have to delete one to add one each week!

Anonymous said...

Hands down, you follow more blogs than i do LOL. I follow 59 via Google Reader. The rest i just follow on twitter. Like you i try to visit them often but sometimes its just too much to read : (

Kittie Howard said...

Just hopping over from Emma's. Like your book reviews! It's my first blog hop and fun. Have a great weekend!

Jinky said...

Hoppin' by from FF to say hello. --Wow, that's a lot of following!!

I do follow for follow...come by and visit me some time.

Enjoy your weekend,

Rachel said...

Just stopping by via the hop! I like your blog and am now a follower. Have a great weekend and happy reading!

And the plot thickens...

Daisy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Over 500 blogs, that's a lot (understatement). Have a nice Sunday!