Thursday, August 26, 2010

Book Blogger Hop/Follow me/Book Beginnings on Friday

Every Friday, join the Follow Friday, hosted by ParaJunkee and Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Jennifer (Crazy-For-Books), and follow/hop to some new blogs.

Jennifer asks this week: Do you use a rating system for your reviews and if so, what is it and why?

I don't use rating system at all. I don't think rating can affect a book. Some great books have low ratings and trash get higher ones. It is all very relative, isn't it?

What about you?

ParaJunkee asks: What is the first book that you remember reading?

Goldilocks and Cinderella. I loved thumbing through both.

BTW, I found quite a few good eclectic blogs via blog hopping/follow me. I have added those to my google reader. That's the way I follow blogs. Feel free to explore my blog.

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading.

Here I share the opening sentence of Never Wave Goodbye by Doug Magee

It wasn't a routine event, something so normal and habitual that she was lulled to sleep by dozens of previous repetitions.


Mel u said...

thanks for stopping by my blog-I have followed your blog before I even had my own blog-

Cat said...

An interesting opening line - makes one want to know what the event is.

I don't use a rating system either. I hope my reviews give readers a good idea of what I feel without it.

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I should read more poetry. I recently discovered that I really like Rilke. And I've always liked Keats. I wish I understood poetry better though.
My Hop

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

That's an intriguing opener...makes me pause to contemplate what might happen next.

Here's mine:

(Click on my name for the URL)

Wolfe said...

thanks for stopping by fellow eclatic reader :o) I am a new follower

Tasha said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I read mostly romance with some chick-lit and suspense thrown in. Have a great weekend!!

~Book Obsessed

Bev Hankins said...

Thanks for stopping by...Hopping right back at you.

mpartyka said...

Just hopping through today - have a great weekend!

I also don't use a rating system but instead I like to just mention if I would recommend the book to a busy friend.

Amanda said...

Hello Gautami,

It's Friday night here in Australia, so I'm hopping about a bit before I feast my eyes on Sherlock Holmes.

I am with you on not rating books. I used to do it, then I wondered why I was. My reviews should tell readers what I thought of the book, rather than a few stars.

Namaskar :)

Ms. C said...

Thank you for visiting my blog earlier! I agree, sometimes a rating system just doesnt seem to fit haha. I love your blog, im a new follower :)

Karen said...

Hi there! thanks for stopping by. I didn't notice that parajunkee had asked a question this week. Me+sleepy when posting this am. The first book I really remember reading (although I know I read a bk before this) was Jack London's Call of the Wild. I love animals and I read it was the first book I read that pulled me in

Karen said...

BTW - I like your quote on the header. I was just "wounded and stabbed" by Mockinjay :-)))

Sugar and Snark said...

Hopping in from the hop to say have a great Weekend!

Already a follower :)

When you have a moment come have a look at my new Giveaway :)


BrendaC said...

Thanks for hopping by my blog, I really appreciate it! I am your newest follower. I look forward to reading some great reviews, have an awesome weekend!

Lu said...

I have this book on my "to read" list!

I don't really understand the way people rate books sometimes! I read a review, and the book sounded great. The reviewer stated that she absolutely loved the book,and she had a lot of great things to say about. At the bottom of the review it was rated 3 stars. To me 3 stars isn't enough for something I absolutely love. I never rely on a rating!

Anonymous said...

Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a new follower :) have a great day!

Jenny Q said...

It doesn't matter to me whether a reviewer assigns a rating to a book or not, but I always rate a book. I don't always write a review, though! Here's my BB.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I wish I had a rating system. I like a 0-10 scale. i'd like to have little iconic figures, like stars, for each point on the scale.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

I love the sound of that opening! The language is wonderful

Suko said...

Hi, I am here via the Hop! I have been here before, and really should visit more often. I don't rate books either.

Happy hopping! :)

Amy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great Friday!

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Thanks for this post!

Bill ;-)
Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
and forthcoming "The Homeplace Revisited" Spring 2011

Jazz R.J. said...

Hello dear. Thanks for stopping by. You have a lovely blog. Keep it shiny!

Deepali said...

Hi! This is my first hop :) Really liking your blog, and will be following!

Marce said...

It is relative I agree, that is why I try hard to find bloggers with similar interest.

Enjoy your weekend.

Julie said...

Thanks for stopping by for the hop! I do use a rating system, especially since I cross-post on Library Thing and Good Reads and THEY have rating systems, but I'm thinking about changing the wording to make my lower ratings sound less harsh! LOL!

Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

Unknown said...

Hi and thank you for hopping by my blog.


Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Hey, saw you had stopped by and wanted to return the trip and wish you a great weekend!

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said...

Thanks for the comment on my hop post. I'm now a follower =)

Bailey said...

Thanks for stopping by The Window Seat Reader! Have a great weekend.

Kelly said...

I agree with you-I don't use ratings either because I feel it might sway readers one way or another about a book, and there might be something about the book that they'll end up liking more than me..

pussreboots said...

Happy weekend. Come see what my rating system is.