Thursday, August 5, 2010

Booking Through First Time/My 1000th post!

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What is the first book you remember reading? What about the first that made you really love reading?

I don't really remember my first book but I do remember I loved all the fairy tale books I was gifted by my dad. I used to read those books again and again, looking at the pictures. The first author, that I truly loved reading, is Enid Blyton. I read all her Noddy books and subsequently, the adventures of Wishing Chair series, Five Find-Outers, Famous Five, St. Clare and Mallory Towers. Infact I have read almost everything that she wrote. How I loved to read and re-read her books every summer! I owe my love for reading to Enid Blyton books.


Update: I forgot to mention that it is my 1000th post, on this blog. I started to blog about books in 2006. And in between, as most remember, I lost a blog. I retrieved a lot of stuff, yet a lot were lost. Anyway, I was never one to look back. I have come a long way! I love my book blogging community, your love and support!


Janet said...

Enid Blyton. This is a new author to me! I'll have to investigate.

Jessica said...

I remember when my mum first brought me the faraway books when I was about 5 which she had to read to me at that age. But from then on in I was hooked. I had forgotten about the wishing chair ones.

Amat Libris said...

I'd forgotten about the Wishing Chair! They were some of my favourite Blytons. I loved her mysteries, too; I think they might be partly to blame for my adult addiction to crime novels. You've brought back a lot of happy reading memories with this post.

bermudaonion said...

I'm not familiar with Enid Blyton. I can't remember the first book I read either.

jlshall said...

For some reason, the Enid Blyton books were never really marketed in the U.S. So I never got to read her books when I was a child. But I've looked at one or two in recent years, and I think I would have loved them when I was younger.

Gigi Ann said...

It is interesting today seeing how everyones mind works when we have to think about the first book that got us hooked on reading. I am almost 70 years old and I remembered like it was yesterday. Funny how our brains work, just like a little computer!

CMash said...

I don't think I ever read those books but then it was so long ago that I might have forgotten.

Karen Harrington said...

That's a new author to me as well. Might have to check that out for my little readers! I love the title The Wishing Chair, too. Have a great day.

Audrey said...

I was never introduced to Enid Blyton either...but how could I forget Nancy Drew? And the Bobbsey Twins!

Congratulations on your milestone!

DawnTreader said...

Oh yes. Enid Blyton was among my early favourites too, when I was around 9-11 or so. I don't know all of those you mentioned - all might not have been translated into Swedish - but I did read a lot of Famous Five! I use to say that I've loved any book with a secret passage in it ever since ;)

fredamans said...

Congrats on your 1000th post!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on the 1000th post!

Amused said...

First of all congrats on your 1000th post - what an accomplishment!

Secondly, I loved fairy tales too - good choice!

Ellie said...

Noddy! How could I forget Noddy?! I loved the Famous Five books too, and Malory Towers - Daphne up on the clifftops, Darrell thwacking poor Sally, that seawater pool and the hilarious French teachers, and all those cream teas and strawberries... oh yes!

Alyce said...

Congrats on your 1000th post on this blog!

Jess said...

Another Enid Blyton fan! She's been mentioned a lot with this question, nice answer.

Anne said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! Whew! That's a lot. =) Thanks for visiting.

Clare said...

I've never actually heard of Enid Blyton, but I'm glad she's such an important part of your reading life.

Matt said...

I cannot remember exactly what my first book was, but I had never been an avid reader until I was in high school. First book was a Dr. Seuss.

Anonymous said...

Oh i remember Enid Blyton!. I loved those compilation of stories. I cant remember if that was the first book that i read though. I was also into R.L. Stine and the Miss Marple stories as well but that phase came in a bit later. Yep, i had a thing for thrillers and murder mysteries from way back...LOL

P.S Congrats on your 1000th blog post. I hope you have 1000 more : )

Nan said...

Congrats on your 1000th post!

Sara Harricharan said...

Congrats on your 1000th post! yay!

I used to read Enid Blyton when I was in middle school-because my mom would tell me about reading them when she was younger and I wanted to know what she was talking about. I read a lot of the Famous Five and the Secret Seven--they were always fun!

Danielle C. said...

1000 posts? Congratulations, that is an impressive record! As for Blyton, thinking about her books still makes me smile :-) I think you may have inspired me to dig up one or two from storage for old times' sake.

sara said...

i remember reading some of my dad's old copies of the noddy books!! congrats on your 1000th post-that's exciting-and thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow! 1,000 posts is a great accomplishment. Keep on keepin' on :)