For any author who would like his/her book to be reviewed, contact me. Poetry books too are solicited for reviewing. However, there are some genres I tend to avoid. Feel free to ask me.
I must mention here that I read at my own pace and depending on my mood. Don't ask me to hurry.
Yes sometimes the wait is too much. Here's my BTT
You made a good point - some of my friends aren't too picky about reading series' in the right order, but I am, and it could get annoying. Especially if the bookstore/library doesn't have the number you want!
I don't mind the wait, though - most of the time :)
I prefer stand alone, the series has to be really good for me to read it.
LOTR is a series I liked a lot, but prefer stand alones.
I don't mind series if they're written where the books stand alone.
You've said exactly how I feel myself. I will read a series but don't like waiting for the next one and for some reason every book is part of a series now and long series too not just 2 or 3 books but 4 5 6 up to 10 or more. I also hate finding out that a book is part of a series once I've finished the book at least state it clearly not at the end oh next book will be released next year that's frustrating. I like reading a series back to back and did that with Harry Potter I waited till all were out and then read them.
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