Thursday, July 19, 2012

Booking through Series or Stand-alone

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Series? Or Stand-alone?

Something like this was asked twice before in BTT. I will answer it in a similar vein. I prefer stand alone novels any day . I have read the Harry Potter series and also read all the three  novels of the Millennium trilogy. These are exceptions than the rule. 

One has to read series in the proper order. And that totally puts me off. It has to be VERY good series to pique my interest. And I also don't like to wait for the next book. For stand- alone novels, you can just pick it up, with no worries.


Cathy De Los Santos said...

Yes sometimes the wait is too much. Here's my BTT

marineko said...

You made a good point - some of my friends aren't too picky about reading series' in the right order, but I am, and it could get annoying. Especially if the bookstore/library doesn't have the number you want!

I don't mind the wait, though - most of the time :)

Anonymous said...

I prefer stand alone, the series has to be really good for me to read it.

City Girl Who Loves to Read said...

LOTR is a series I liked a lot, but prefer stand alones.

bermudaonion said...

I don't mind series if they're written where the books stand alone.

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

You've said exactly how I feel myself. I will read a series but don't like waiting for the next one and for some reason every book is part of a series now and long series too not just 2 or 3 books but 4 5 6 up to 10 or more. I also hate finding out that a book is part of a series once I've finished the book at least state it clearly not at the end oh next book will be released next year that's frustrating. I like reading a series back to back and did that with Harry Potter I waited till all were out and then read them.