Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A House of Bottles by Robin Merrill

Title: A House of Bottles
Author: Robin Merrill
ISBN: 9781615394494
Publisher: Moon Pie Press/2009
Pages: 29

It is a very short poetry book. That doesn't lessen that impact of the poems. The poems take us into various journeys, some real, some inside the mind. Playful too and with a such a depth that can't be fathomed. Sometimes funny, others sad. She openly shows the wounds and healing process too. The beauty of the poems comes from the realist way of portrayal. The troubling life of the people all over the world. It might have been written for American way of life but has universal appeal.

The vulnerabilty of the poetry touches us. The creativity of the poet surprises us. A collage of life depicted in poetry. With a such a range of feelings.

Here I share a poem, Hangman's Tree (page 10):

Not in the middle of the field
like on a stage
but on the edge
like a half-kept secret

One man dead a tragedy
Two in the same tree is folly.
What is three?
The third man

half-drunk early morning
trembled as he flung the rope
over the second-lowest branch
He had no second thoughts.

His last words,
curse this town of Manistee.
His last prayer,
someone cut down the tree.


Kristen said...

I don't normally consider poetry but I might have to in future.

Anonymous said...

mmmm... not a big fan of poetry so will probably give it a miss

here's mine

Unknown said...

What a great poem, if they are all like that, I would enjoy reading it. I don't often read poetry books, but I have been known to.
Thanks for stopping by.

Zia said...

Great poem!

kayerj said...

I've been wanting to try a book of poems. nice suggestion. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Nise' said...

I am not a reader of poems, but love to listen to them being read!

Irene said...

I too am not a reader of poems, I don't really know why, I love to read them in posts, and short bits in magazines but I just don't buy books of poems. Stop by I'm home.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including the poem.

Anonymous said...

Good choice! I love poetry books!!!

Thanks for playing this week!

The Book Resort said...

Thank you for the poem, Gautami. I look forward to reading more on your blog : ).

Bryan R. Terry said...

I really should read more poetry than I do. It's good exercise for the ol' thinker.

My "H" book is HERE