Thursday, July 5, 2012

Booking Through Periodicals

So other than books … what periodicals do you read? Magazines? Newspapers? Newsletters? Journals?Do you subscribe? Or do you buy them on the newsstand when they look interesting?

I do get two newspapers daily. My staple diet. And then I also get a financial newspaper once a week. I have subscribed to monthly magazines related to Math and Science. I pick up other glossy magazines if they interest me. No hard and fast rules about that.


Veens said...

I have not subscribed to any magz yet! But I do buy them when something interests me. I like GoodFood, Forbes Life and then that cooking magz by Tarla Dalal :)

bermudaonion said...

I read our daily newspaper but rarely look at magazines.

Anonymous said...

Local newspaper and some magazines.

Unknown said...

A few magazines.

Cathy De Los Santos said...

I couldn't do that, not enough time. Here's my BTT

Unknown said...

I wish I had the discipline to read through newspapers. haha
I am not as aware of the outside world as I probably should be :p
thanks for stopping by!

Yvonne said...

I'm not big on reading magazines. I go online to read some of the newspaper stuff, but mainly it's books for me.