Thursday, July 26, 2012

Booking Through Reading

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a) Do you have a favorite season of the year that you read more? (Example: during snow storms, rainy weather, or sunny and warm weather) 

I tend to read a bit more during summer vacations. That is becos I have free time in my hands. However, Winter is my favorite season to do anything, including reading!

b) Where is your favorite place to read? On the beach? Inside/outside?

I can read anywhere. Inside/Outside. Anytime.


Reading Kelly said...

I will read anywhere as well! Summer vacations are a great time to read.

Happy Thursday!

Gigi Ann said...

Looking over my reading for each month it looks like I like each season, but I do have my favorite seasons for reading, and my favorite place to read.

bermudaonion said...

I really don't think my reading is seasonal but I can see where it would be for a teacher.

Anonymous said...

If you have the time, you can read anywhere.

Yvonne said...

I prefer reading inside where there aren't so many distractions, but I don't care what season it is.