Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Heir by Grace Burrowes

Title: The Heir
Author: Grace Burrowes
ISBN: 9781402244346
Publisher:  Sourcebooks/2010
Pages: 448

In this historical romance, I liked some of the  secondary characters rather well.  With an independent minded heroine, the housekeeper Anna Seaton, there are some good dialogues between her and Gayle Windham, earl of Westhaven, son and heir to the duke of Moreland. He is trying to escape the machinations of his father to get him married. He chooses to live in his London house in the sweltering heat and is literally hit by Anna, who thinks he has designs for a housemaid. When she realizes her mistake, she tends to him, taking care of all his needs. Inevitably they are attracted to each other but Anna has her secrets and she refuses to marry him. Gayle Windham is determined to marry her..

As romances go, it is good. At places it does not seem very smooth but the storyline keeps our interest alive. His brothers are kind of weird but they do lighten it up. The duke too is lovable in his own way. And Morgan, the housemaid wins our heart. I liked Anna and of course, Gayle. Their chemistry is good. What more does one need from a romance? For all those romance lovers, who don't mind steamy scenes, it is a good read, for a cold winter day or night...


Laura @ I'm Booking It said...

That pretty much matches what I thought! I'm looking forward to her next book, figuring we'll see more of one of the brothers.

Grace Burrowes said...

Guatami, thanks for your thoughts on "The Heir." You'll see Devlin's story next in "The Soldier" (Sourcebooks July 2011) and Valentine's story in "The Artist" (Sourcebooks October 2011). Thanks again for taking the time to review a l-o-n-g book

Julie said...

I've seen good reviews by those who love this genre! Thanks for the review!