Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: From the Dead by John Herrick

From the Dead
The pain sharpened. Jesse rocked back and forth, not in comfort but in anguish, while he convulsed on the floor in terror. As he writhed in torture, he crouched low into fetal position. In a torrent, sodium-laden tears burst from his eyes and pattered on the floor.
~~~Page 114

Title: From the Dead
Author: John Herrick
ISBN: 9780982147016
Publisher: SegueBlue/2010
Pages: 375

Jesse leaves home at the age of eighteen years for Hollywood. His father is a preacher and Jesse can't measure up to him. But Jesse doesn't get the break he craves. He ends up doing roles as extra and works for a photographer. His relationship with Jada, whom he had met as soon as he arrived there has become a burden for both of them. Yet he is unable to break it. One day it all crashes down around him. He tries to end it all...

When he comes out of death's door, he realizes he has too go back home to Ohio. To reconcile with his father and his long lost love and then discovers another secret, that he has had a son all these years. When his son gets sick, he knows the only way he can save his son's life, is by giving up on his own. 

There is not much of a suspense in this book,yet it keeps us engrossed in it. We feel for Jesse, his sister, his father, his lost love and his son, Drew. Jesse gets a second chance but he is prepared to give it up all, for his son. Somehow this book touches us. There is happiness, sadness and hope, mercy too, in every page. I would say, it is a good debut. 


Karen and Gerard said...

Sounds like it might be interesting. I like books that bring out emotions and that have characters that get me pulling for them.

Stopping by from TT--here's ours if you get a chance to come by:

Anonymous said...

Your Teaser and review are really good. I always like to read about relationships especially close family relationships.


Pam said...

Wow, that teaser is intense. Sounds a little bit like a Cormac McCarthy book...

kayerj said...

I agree--a very intense teaser and a nice review of the book. Thanks for stopping by today.

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Gautami,

The teaser lines you picked are really quite chilling.

The book sounds great, I love the gutsy family sagas, that bring out the whole gamut of emotions and this certainly fits that criteria, a real pull on the emotional strings.

Thanks for the recommendation

Yvonne www.fiction-books.biz

Kim @ The Caffeinated Diva said...

A great teaser! Sounds like a good book!

Selena said...

Great teaser! Thanks for stopping by The Enchanted Book.

Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a horrifying scene! Great teaser! Mine comes from The Killer of Little Shepherds by Douglas Starr. http://www.thelitwitch.com/?p=1956

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wow, that teaser really bursts with emotion and pain.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

CMash said...

WOW..that is some teaser!!!! Can't wait to read your review on this one!!!

CMash said...

ooops not enough coffee lol just noticed your review...may have to put this one on my tbr bucket list.

Jessica @ Laugh Love Write said...

Very deep teaser in deed. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for stopping by my blog today. :)

Jessica @ Laugh Love Write

Lori said...

Interesting teaser. I hope that you are enjoying your book. Wanna see what my Teaser for Tuesday is?

Alice Audrey said...

It's a bit on the purple prose side for my taste. Are you getting into it?

Ren said...

Great teaser...so intense!

Thanks for stopping by my blog


Unknown said...

Wow! Intense teaser!!

Anonymous said...

Here is my teaser from Out of Touch by Brandon Tietz (Page vii):

I used to be the kind of guy that would have no problem reading Playboy or Hustler on an airplane, but that me in "the before," and nearly everything has changed since that time in my life a little over a year ago.

This is not a coming of age story.

If that's what you're wanting then I suggest you put this down and read something else: something with a happy ending. Like Penthouse.

Or: the funny pages.

This is me giving you your official warning.

Because where this goes, you might not be ready for.

jlshall said...

Good teaser. And yes, very intense. Sounds like an interesting book, but a really sad one.

fredamans said...

Great review, and I too love a lot of suspense.


Harvee said...

Is he sure he wants to go back to Ohio? Good tease. Here's my teaser.

Mystica said...

Sounds intense!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Wow that was an awesome teaser! Very interesting! Haven't heard of this book and now it requires further looking into! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

OMG! That sounded painful! Great teaser!!

Aisle B said...

That sounds like a gut wrenching moment in life... emotional tornado... does he survive ... does he have a friends??? Tell me he makes it through...

Stephen said...

That teaser sounds as though he's going through something *awful*. :-/

Reading Lassie said...

The teaser sounds very intense but I like it! I have heard about this book actually and it's so intriguing! Thanks for sharing!

Steph (Poetry to Prose) said...

Definitely an intense teaser, but very intriguing.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Miss Page-Turner said...

Wow:-O What is happening? Why is he in such a pain? I think it's a good thing that this is written from 3rd POV!

Neena said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! You're teaser is intense, and sooo sad. I feel for him..

Thanks for sharing!

BLHmistress said...

Sounds like a book that I would need tissues before I start to read.

My Tuesday Teaser

Lillie (AliseOnLife) said...

That sounds very painful. I can see this is probably an intense read.

Thanks for stopping by Read My Mind.

Emma Michaels said...

YEAY! Teaser Tuesday!!!!!!! Here is mine! It is the day when my to-read list just can't stop growing!!!

Emma Michaels

Lizzy said...

Very interesting imagery there. Great teaser!

Naj said...

Very interesting indeed! Thanks for the teaser! Another book added to my TBR pile.


Bookworm Lisa said...

Sounds like a great book!