Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny

"All of them? Even the children?" The fireplace stuttered and cackled and swallowed his gasp. Slaughtered?"


Title: The Brutal Telling
Author: Louise Penny
ISBN: 9780312377038
Publisher: Minotaur Books/2009
Pages: 372

The opening lines set the mood and tone of this novel. How can one wish not to know more? In the village of Three Pines near Montreal, with no crime ratings, a murder is committed. The body is found in a bistro and antique store. The victim is a total stranger and the motive of the murder is almost impossible to find out. And Chief Inspector Gamache arrives with his team to investigate. Even he is flabbergasted.

The villagers are rather closely knit. The Bistro is owned by Oliver and his gay partner Gabri along with B & B next door. Gamache's investigations lead him to a small hut in the deep woods. Now this hut contains priceless antiques. Who owns it and how has he come about the antiques? When Gamache gets into the bottom of it along with his team,
Jean Guy Beauvoir and Isabelle Lacoste, he finds the identity of the victim, , the motive, the weapon and the original place of murder. However, the mystery of the murderer doesn't get to be resolved any time soon.

When Gamache gets into the bottom of it, layer by layer, he is just as astounded as as to find the identity of the killer. Although this is not the nail-biting, seating on the edge of the chair kind of mystery, yet it has that cozy feel to it. We do wish to know more. Chief Inspector Gamache is a likeable character, maybe genial at times but has a keen sense of observation and is a force to reckon with for those who are on the wrong side of the law.

What appealed to me most was the eccentric poet, Ruth. She speaks in riddles, yet she has great understanding and depth. Her presence in the book makes it mystical.

Louise Penny is worth checking out. Thanks to Staci of Life in the thumb, for the ARC. She was kind enough to send it all the way to Delhi!

Also reviewed by:

Michelle's Masterful Musings
Kittling Books
Ms. Bookish
Jen's Book Thoughts


Staci said...

I'm so glad that you enjoyed this one!! Now I can't wait to read it!!!

ds said...

I liked the first book in this series very much; am looking forward to reading more of them. Glad you enjoyed this one!

Margot said...

What could be worse than being slaughtered? I have Louise Penny on my list of authors to read. Good teaser.

Bryan R. Terry said...

Great Teaser. I'll have to put this one on my radar.

My Teaser is HERE

Anonymous said...

Great teaser. I love the series and I'm looking forward to this one.

Anonymous said...

Oh man! That's powerful. I might have tried to win this one, not sure.


Lisa said...

I like this teaser!

here's mine

Teddyree said...

Oh no, sounds pretty grim! Great teaser, this one is on my wishlist already :-)

Marce said...

I'm sold, on the TBR list now. That was a great teaser.

Here is mine. http://teawithmarce.blogspot.com/2009/11/teaser-tuesday-gods-behaving-badly.html

JoAnn said...

Oh dear...sounds a little too gruesome for me!

Anonymous said...

This book appeals to me. Great teaser!

Andrea said...

That does set the tone. Great teaser!

Calico Crazy said...

This sounds like something I'd enjoy, I'll have to check it out.

My teaser is up at Calico Contemplations.

Zia said...

Great teaser! I'm hoping to get a chance to read this one soon.

Anonymous said...

Sounds very dramatic. Great teaser!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

GREAT teaser. I LOVED this book. Here is mine:


Jennygirl said...

Great review.
Sounds like a good story too. I like mysteries that are surprising at the end, not that I can figure that many out anyway :)

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

Uh,oh sounds like someone died. Here is mine

kayerj said...

the teaser is pretty grim. but your review sets the book in a better light. Staci is a gem isn't she. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

What a lovely, descriptive opener!

My teaser is here:


Jennifer said...

Fantastic teaser! Mine is here: http://www.rundpinne.com/2009/11/scandal-teaser-tuesdays.html

MissSusie said...

I liked this book too and Ruth was my favorite character!
mine's here

christine said...

What a teaser. Nice review. I have heard of this author but have never really looked at any of the books. Perhaps I may have to take a peek. Nice review.

The Bumbles said...

That is quite a hook - gruesome yet unable to tear yourself away. Great Teaser.

The Bookworm said...

creepy teaser!
sounds like an intense read.

Anonymous said...

Very creepy!

Susan said...

This sounds like a really interesting read! Great teaser this week :)

Becca said...

I'm intrigued by this teaser - especially as the novel is set in Montreal.

Thanks for the recommendation!

Laya said...

Intriguing teaser! I'll keep an eye out for this.

Thanks for dropping by my teaser!

Veens said...

Sounds like a good read.!

Anonymous said...

I have this one sitting on my shelf begging to be read.

Lynda said...

sounds a great book ;0)

Framed said...

I love the Armand Gamache series. He is such a great character. I'm glad to see that this book is as good as the rest.