Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesdays: Teaser/Whereabouts

I am looking for a papyrus-pearl in a stone pot. I am hoping that it will cure my mother Awena and bring me closer to my father, who has been cursed to stay away from his people and made the wolves abode as his own. They too love him like a kin. And I who has been brought up by another set of wonderful parents, stiil hanker for my real father and mother.

~The Wolves' Keeper Legend by Sylvia Weber


There was a child, yes! But he died... He was killed by the weavers, a little while after he was born.

~Page 231, The Wolves' Keeper Legend by Sylvia Weber

Read the review of this book by clicking here.


Marg said...

Who are the weavers, and why are they killing babies? Interesting teaser.

Mine is here!

Staci said...

Why are the weavers so cruel? You have me very intrigued!!!

Margot said...

A sad teaser today but it does make me want to know more. I'm off to read your review.

Becca said...

They are killing babies? So sad.

Book Dragon said...

I agree, very intrigued

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

What is a weaver? and why do they sound creepy? Great teaser!

Teddyree said...

Ooh that is an intriguing teaser, caught my attention for sure!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

That is intriguing! I'll have to check this book out; i've never heard of it; thanks

BurtonReview said...

Must be an interesting book about wolves and weavers.. :)

Zia said...

Wow great teaser! Now to go see what this book is all about.

Harvee44 said...

Very interesting tease! Mine is up!

Beth F said...

I love your Where Are You and great teaser.... now I need to know more.

Jo-Jo said...

What an interesting teaser...thanks for sharing it!

The Bookworm said...

interesting teaser! it makes me wonder what is going on.


kayerj said...

sounds interesting

read my teaser here

Anonymous said...

As always, intriguing.


Jacqueline C. said...

Hmm...a child murdered? Sounds like a good one.

Lisa said...

Wow - that's an intriguing teaser!

Hilarie said...

This teaser certainly stands out. Also, it sort of sounds like they are living with the wolves? Now I'm going to have to read the premise on this one.

JoAnn said...

This teaser raises so many questions...I want to know more!

Carrie K. said...

Menacing teaser - good choice!

The Social Frog said...

Very good teaser!

Jaime said...

Wow!! The Weavers sound evil! Need more!


The Reading Momster said...

weavers? Killing babies is horrible!

avisannschild said...

This doesn't really sound like my cup of tea, but it is an intriguing teaser!