Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday 56: The Qualities of Wood by Mary Vensel White

"It's probably that sheriff," he said.

"What sheriff?"

"From town. I thought they were finished when I left to pick you up. They're looking for something."

Posted foThe Friday 56, which is hosted by Freda's Voice

Title: The Qualities of Wood
Author: Mary Vensel White
ISBN: 9780007523580
Publisher: Harper Collins Authonomy/2014
Pages: 370

Vivian has been married for 4 years to Nowell and she leaves her job in the city to join her husband at his Grandmother’s house in the countryside. Nowell has taken a break from his work and now writing his second mystery novel. Both are preparing the house for sale. Soon after Vivian arrives, the Sheriff finds a body of a young girl in the woods behind their house. Vivian meets Katharine, who becomes a close friend. Nowell’s brother Lonnie and his new bride Dorothy too arrive.

With time in her hand, Vivian is suddenly questioning everything around her. Nowell, engrossed in his writing, seems to be drifting away from her. Lonnie is broody and secretive. Dorothy is the only one who seems genuinely happy to help Viv.

Vivian tries to unravel the secret about the girl who was found dead. She also meets another neighbour who used to be reclusive but now seen everywhere.

The language, descriptions and Vivian's thought process are all very beautiful but somewhere down the line, the mystery element gets lost. More emphasis should have been on that but it is not so. The secret is resolved in a slow pace. If one is looking for a fast paced thriller, then it is not so. There is lot of symbolism and metaphors. A few of those worked and few were wasted. I liked it in a literary way but not for the mystery and suspense element.


Catherine @ Book Club Librarian said...

I like the sound of this one and I'll be adding it to my reading list.

My Friday post:

Juli Rahel said...

I have heard such good things about 'The Qualities of Wood' and I really want to read it. I might have to fit it in this summer! I really like the F56 as well, it seems so blase despite the presence of the Sheriff! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
Juli @ Universe in Words

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I am definitely curious. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

Katherine P said...

I hadn't come across this one yet but it sounds like a great mystery. Thanks for sharing!

Sandra Nachlinger said...

This sounds like the kind of book that you'd have to read at a leisurely pace. I'm okay with that!
My Friday post is here: WALLS FOR THE WIND.

Yvonne said...

Good one! I should add this one to my list. It sounds good.

Anonymous said...

Mystery, crime, sheriffs, suspense, my cup of tea! Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by :)

LadyD Piano said...

I like that they moved from a city to the countryside but finding a body in the back yard sounds creepy. I smile at your attraction to mysteries!!

fredamans said...

Was the sheriff up to no good? I have to know!

Happy weekend!

Bea said...

That's too bad about the mystery getting lost in the story. the teaser is intriguing.

Anonymous said...

Man, don't you hate that? You expect a love story, but you don't get one or you expect a mystery, like you, and it's not up to snuff. It's irritating.

Unknown said...

It's a shame about the mystery element - I refer things fast-paced. Have a lovely weekend.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Sounds like a good mystery. Thanks for visiting my blog.