Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Kathy of BermudaOnion. Here you can share new words that you’ve encountered or spotlight words you love.
I am sharing words from The Rome Prophecy by Jon Trace, all three are from the same sentence.
They stand for a moment in the cool of the church and look over the nave, with its three aisles, each ending in an apse, divided by quatrefoil pillars.
Nave: The central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisles.
Apse: A usually semicircular or polygonal, often vaulted recess, especially the termination of the sanctuary end of a church.
Quatrefoil: A conventionalized representation of a flower with four petals or of a leaf with four leaflets.
Narthex: The portico of an ancient church
I knew the parts of the church but quatrefoil is new to me. I did figure out that it meant four something. Thanks for playing along!
I knew nave and narthex, but the other two were unfamiliar. Thanks for sharing.
Two of the words were familiar, nave and apse.
I knew quatrefoil! :) But I had never heard of the others. That's one loaded sentence, can't believe they all came from the same one.
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