Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday: Mailbox/What Am I reading?/Musings

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. July host is Tasha @ Book Obsessed.

I received one book, thanks to the publicist:

The Rockin' Chair by Steven Manchester

Book Description

Memories are the ultimate contradiction. They can warm us on our coldest days – or they can freeze a loved one out of our lives forever. The McCarthy family has a trove of warm memories. Of innocent first kisses. Of sumptuous family meals. Of wondrous lessons learned at the foot of a rocking chair. But they also have had their share of icy ones. Of words that can never be unsaid. Of choices that can never be unmade. Of actions that can never be undone.

Following the death of his beloved wife, John McCarthy – Grandpa John – calls his family back home. It is time for them to face the memories they have made, both warm and cold. Only then can they move beyond them and into the future.

I downloaded the following free e-books from Amazon:

Hosted by Sheila @ One Person's Journey Through a World of BooksWe discuss the books that we've read and what we're planning to read for the week.

I finished reading:

The Rockin' Chair by Steven Manchester


Monday Musing asks you to muse about something to do with books and reading each week…

•You just want to ramble on about something pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

I hate book reviews which have spoilers. I try to avoid reading those. Book reviews should be just that, reviews. Too much info is a big turn off and spoilers definitely not needed.


bermudaonion said...

You sure did read that quickly!

Mary (Bookfan) said...

I hope you enjoyed it!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Those free Kindle books are irresistible (enjoy)

Anonymous said...

I heard The Rocking Chair was a heartwarming book--glad you enjoyed it. Have a good week reading.

Kathy Martin said...

the Rocking Chair sounds interesting even though it isn't the sort of book I usually read. Come see what I did last week here. Happy reading this week!

Unknown said...

The Rocking Chair sounds like a heartwarming story.

DoingDewey said...

I hate spoilers too! If there's a warning, that's fine, especially in a sequel. But spoilers without warnings are just cruel.

caite said...

I hate spoilers..and hope I never do it! Lol

Anonymous said...

An interesting cover, enjoy!

Resh said...

I don't like to read spoilers too. I think they take away so much from the book! Nice post :) Stopping by from a blog hop.

JC Jones said...

I post what Goodreads says about a book and then discuss the plot, characters, backstory, worldbuilding, etc. No spoilers. Here is mine: MM

Anonymous said...

i hate book reviews with spoilers too, especially those that have no spoiler warnings :(
i have a musing too.. check it out

Mystica said...

Free books what a luxury! enjoy them all.

Anonymous said...

I remember looking at The Rockin' Chair and thinking it must be a beautiful story. I think it's downloaded to my Kindle. If not, it's on my wish list. Have a nice week.:)