Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday Snapshot: July 13, 2013

I am a Hindu and I visit temples. We believe GOD is everywhere. Here you see my brother being blessed by an elephant. I too have a similar photo but decided not to share that. Mind you, that trunk WAS heavy!! BTW, Lord Ganesha is our elephant God!!

Posting this for Saturday Snapshot, hosted by Melinda of West Metro Mommy now. It was started by Alyce of At Home With books


Kaye said...

I'll bet that trunk is really heavy. Your brother is trusting to let an elephant do that. Nice shot!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I'd be afraid to pose like that.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wow! Impressive shot...thanks for sharing.


Lisa said...

It's fine as long as the elephant doesn't have the sniffles! I bet a lot of temple visitors have similar pics - what a great souvenir.

My sculptural snapshots

Ginx Craft said...

I think that is really brave. I'm not sure I would be so trusting of such a large animal.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Oh my!

Here's my Saturday Snapshot.

Christine Harding said...

What an interesting custom - do you only get blessed by an elephant once, or can you go back at a different stage in your life, or to a different temple in a differerent place? My snapshot is at

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Gautami,

As I was researching Lord Ganesha, to discover a little more about the customs surrounding this creature, I couldn't help but think that I would be quite happy if the blessing involved one of the many Lord Ganesha icons, however I wouldn't be quite so comfortable when coming face to face with the real thing!

Your brother was very trusting, but then I guess that is the whole point of having faith in a God.

A nice picture to capture the moment and to remember the experience by, thanks for sharing.


bermudaonion said...

I bet that is quite an experience!

Anonymous said...

Hindu was my favorite religion to study in my college religion class. I love this shot of your brother.

Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

I bet the trunk was heavy.

He is brave.

Silver's Reviews
My Saturday Snapshot