Private Games by James Patterson

Look at him on his knees, with his back to me and my knife at his throat.
Why, he trembles and shakes as if a stone had just clipped his head. Can you smell it? Fear? It surrounds him with an odor as rank as the air after a bomb explodes.
"Why?" he gasps.
"You've angered me, monster," I snarl at him, feeling a deeper-than-primal rage split my mind and seethe through every cell. "You've helped ruin the games, made them a mockery and an abomination."
My Views:
Sir Denton Marshall is a member of the London Organizing Committee. He is brutally murdered a few days before the London Olympics. His decapitated head is placed on a previously headless statue of an ancient Greek senator. Peter Knight is called immediately to the place of crime. He is an investigator at the London office of Private International and his company provides security for the LOC. His mother was engaged to Marshall.
A serial killer who calls himself Cronus, named after the Greek God of Time and the son of the ancient rulers of Earth and Sky is the killer. He wants to clean up the modern Olympics. Cronus has a past and he with the help of three Serbian sisters (named Furies by him) are ahead of all the investigative agencies to kill people at their will. Cronus letters to a reporter named Karen Pope telling her of his plans in advance.
Scotland Yard Inspector Elaine Pottersfield (Knight's sister-in-law) along with Knight, have to find Cronus in time to avert more death and destruction at the Games.
Patterson has kept the chapters short and very readable. I liked the pace and the story line. The character development is also good. I do recommend it for fast paced Crime Fiction lovers.
I used to enjoy James Patterson books. Now I don't read anything that has violence or cruelty if I can help it. Hope you enjoy the book. Here's Mine
I haven't read James Patterson's books in awhile but he's one of my favorite authors.
My TT post is here
I haven't read anything by James Patterson for years but I really liked the section you chose to spotlight. I may have to try him again. My teasers this week are from Playing to Win by Jaci Burton and Wednesdays in the Tower by Jessica Day George. Happy reading!
Define lay makes me curious as to where this story will go. Haven't read Patterson in years! Enjoy
Hope you enjoy the book. I tend to stay away from s erial killer novels, though.
I haven't read any of his books but I hear he has awesome thrillers and suspense!
Andrea K. @ Books and Bindings
Teaser Tuesdays
Eek! No, I tend to steer clear of really violent stuff. Haven't ever read Patterson, though I often try to read best-sellers just to see what everyone else grooves on.
Anything by Patterson is a great read!!
I've wanted to try Patterson I see his books everywhere. kelley—the road goes ever ever on
So, I like some Patterson and some I don't - this one sounds overly dramatic and probably not for me. Thanks for sharing thought!
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