For any author who would like his/her book to be reviewed, contact me. Poetry books too are solicited for reviewing. However, there are some genres I tend to avoid. Feel free to ask me.
I must mention here that I read at my own pace and depending on my mood. Don't ask me to hurry.
If I try to read more than one book at a time, I end up giving one of them all my attention until I'm through with it.
I too cannot read more than one book at a time. Maybe a magazine and a book, non fiction and fiction.
I always have lots of books going at once too. I think I have 4 right now~
I always read two books at once, one on my kindle for when I'm out and about, and a hard copy when I'm at home.
I'm a one book at a time reader too. Though I do like to alternate genres and age levels with the books I choose. My Monday Report is here. Happy reading!
I can't read more than one book at a time. I am amazed how people do that.
ENJOY your week.
My Mailbox Monday5356hoptuip
I am not good with reading several books at once..I get confuses. ;-)
I read one book at a time. Enjoy your new books!
In response to your musing, I very seldom read more than one book at a time...unless they are quite different for each other.
I usually read two or three books at a time. Usually one for a book tour review, one heavy read, and one light read. :)
Andrea K. @ Books and Bindings
Musing Mondays
Monday Madness
Enjoy your new books! I usually read more than one book at a time but they have to be different genres. Have a good week!
i find it hard to read more than one book at a time because i get the story mixed up haha
here’s mine:
Sometimes I read more than one book at a time. I go through stages. Here's my musing:
I have tried to read more than one book at a time but I find it very distracting. I like to immerse myself in a story and I find it hard to do when I have more than one book going.
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