Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Hellion and The Heartbreaker by Jennifer McNare

Alec flinched as Scarlett’s teeth pierced his skin, causing him to jerk his hand back in stunned surprise.  He couldn’t believe it.  She’d bitten him.  He stared at his hand in disbelief.  The wretched little brat had actually drawn blood.

Two years later

Lost in thought, Alec Weston idly rubbed his left thumb across the pliant flesh between the thumb and index finger of his right hand, along the four, faint white scars that permanently marred the top of his hand.  They were barely visible, unnoticeable to anyone but himself really, but he had developed the unwitting habit of rubbing his thumb over the tiny ridges, most often when he was agitated. 

 The Hellion and The Heartbreaker by Jennifer McNare

Scarlett McPhearson has four doting brothers and has been spoiled by them. She is as fiery as her red curls. She has always known the Duke of Worthe and secretly vowed to have him since she was 13. Alex is attracted to her but he does not wish to dally with his best friend's sister. Scarlett sets out to seduce him and he makes her no promises. 

Set in the Regency period, the novel has good potential. Scarlett offers Alex her love but he is not ready for that. What I liked about the novel the way her brothers stood up for her. They did not berate her for falling in love. They supported her and were always with her.


Sheri said...

Great teaser! Happy reading :)
Here is my My teaser from Reaper's Property by Joanna Wylde.

Nise' said...

Love that teaser. Sounds like a good one.

Literary Feline said...

This sounds like a fun read. I like that the brothers were supportive and not opposed to her falling in love. It's a nice change of pace to avoid that conflict!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

The excerpts drew me in...thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting my blog.

JoAnn said...

Ha! Not sure this one is for me, but I'm glad you liked it :)

Yvonne said...

Great teaser!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed that teaser, a great choice.

collettakay said...

Nice teaser!

I hope you can stop by and visit:



Juli Rahel said...

Both the Intro and the Teaser sound really good! I'm really happy her brothers are supportive of her! We really don't need any more judging of women! Thanks for stopping by :) And I hope you have a great week!
Juli @ Universe in Words

Anonymous said...

I love Regency romances.

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Sounds like a good story. I think I'd like the brothers being supportive too, instead of trying to talk her out of being in love, especially in that era.
My Teaser is from A SLIGHT CHANGE OF PLAN.

Maya Love said...

I love that that the scar was a subconscious reminder of the girl. Great teaser.

Love Bites and Silk

fredamans said...

I have to wonder the relationship to the girl. Great teaser and intro.

Lizzy said...

haha she sounds sassy! Great teaser :)

RC O'Leary said...

Gautami, could you email me to let me know how I could send a book review request to you? I saw on another blog that you like to read legal thrillers and that is the genre. My email is rcowriting@gmail dot com. Thanks,

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I would need a bit more info about the book in general before making a decision, but I hope you like it.

Kim@Time2Read said...

Fun teaser! This could be a good one! Thanks for stopping by!

Cedar Creek PTA said...

I think it's funny how the opening is not sexual, but sounds it. Not my cup of tea, but I bet it's a lot of fun.

kayerj said...

sounds like he's interested in her. Enjoy your book and thanks for stopping by today. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

Paulita said...

Definitely sounds feisty. Here's Mine