For any author who would like his/her book to be reviewed, contact me. Poetry books too are solicited for reviewing. However, there are some genres I tend to avoid. Feel free to ask me.
I must mention here that I read at my own pace and depending on my mood. Don't ask me to hurry.
Good morning (Well, for me it’s morning now, don’t know about you)
I hope you have had a fantastic Read-a-thon so far and that the last six hours will be amazing. It's so cool you have read more than two books during the last 18 hours!
Happy reading. :)
You are an amazing reader, Gautami! I hope you'r still at it!
We can do it, we can do it
We can read a lot of books
We can make it through the readathon
It’s easy peasy, really
[Cinderella WorkSong]
Tick-Tack.. Tick-Tack.. Tick-Tack..
Time is slowly moving
Soon it will be gone
But memories will stay
After readathon is done
Hang in there.. 2 hours to go!!
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