Thursday, October 18, 2012

Booking Through Covers

btt buttonThey say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but there’s no question that it can make a difference! What book(s) have your favorite covers? Something that’s perfect for the story, the tone, the colors, the mood…And did you pick up the book BECAUSE of the cover? Or were you going to read it anyway, and the cover was just serendipitous?

I have picked up a few books now and then because of the covers. I have been disappointed at times. Surreal covers interest me or covers with human elements attract me. Plain covers too are good. There is no hard and fast rule....Many a times, the title and author is enough for me to pick a book irrespective of the cover.....

Covers do make a difference. I seldom pick out books with cartoon-ish or movie covers. I also stay away from explicit covers. I like those to be sober, and relevant to the content in the book. Clean cut covers attract me. Size too matters. I don't go in for bigger than usual books. I also know that covers can be deceptive. Sometimes they don't do justice to the book and put off prospective readers. Fonts too make a difference. Certain fonts put me off. And others call out to me to pick the book!


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Yes, covers are only one of the factors involved in my choices.


bermudaonion said...

I would be hard pressed to name my favorite covers but certainly do pick up books based on their covers.

DawnTreader said...

I agree fonts make a difference, especially since I have difficulties reading small print these days. The title and the blurb usually more important to me than the cover art, but that's usually what draws the eye first.

Anonymous said...

At first the cover catches your eye,but it's whats inside that counts.

Lizzy said...

If I see a mostly naked man or woman on the cover, I stay away from it too. Eye candy tends to mean too much romance for my liking.

Anonymous said...

A cover does draw me in. That's why I like to browse at bookstores or libraries. You don't really get the same experience by shopping online.