"How wonderful," Martha said. "How many children will you have?"
"Just two," Grace said, with a deep sigh.
Violet Fire by Brenda Joyce
It is 1870s. Grace is a women’s rights activist. Her mother is unwell and she needs money for her treatment. No one is ready to hire her in New York because of her radical views. So she travels to Mississippi as she gets a job as a governess there.
She had met Rathe Bragg two years back in a part where she had created chaos by spouting slogans atop a piano! Now She meets him again two years later, in the plantation where she has been hired as a governess.
Rathe remembers her and feels a strong attraction for her. He soon comes to know she needs the money for her mother and offers for her to become his mistress. She refuses. But she is thrown out of her job and somehow cannot hold any other job either, because of her strong views. Rathe proposes to her but she refuses to marry him. However, she agrees to be his mistress so that she can still be independent in her own right.
She continues to teach young black children even though some people, including the sheriff, are against it. Then one day, She leaves Rathe, and the new church is burned down and there is a burnt body with her wearing her necklace. Rathe assumes that the dead body is Grace and is heart broken. He travels home to Texas to visit his parents and then he see’s Grace, who is as much of firebrand as she was before. And you can imagine the rest..!!
I love Brenda Joyce novels. However, I won't say it is one of her best works. But the pace is good and I liked the radical views of the heroine. She thinks NOT for herself but for the people, the ones who are ignored at large by the society....
That's how many I had too. :-)
Good teaser--sounds like a fun read!
Here's ours: http://www.ourstack.blogspot.com/2012/09/tuesday-teasers-3-for-you.html
I say to him: "good luck taming her!" lol
I don't know that I've read anything by Brenda Joyce, though I do like the occasional historical romance. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, and thank you for visiting my post.
I find the sigh after she answered the question to be rather intriguing.
Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier! =)
Hmmmm, why just two? Interesting teaser! Here's mine: Teaser Tuesday
I enjoyed your teaser and the synopsis too. This sounds like a book I'd like.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment (Sandy's Teaser)
I haven't read a Brenda Joyce book in years. This sounds good.
I think I've read this book. Is it a reissue?
Great teaser! This one sounds really interesting, and I appreciate a main character who sticks to her viewpoints.
The teaser is interesting, although I don't think it's one for me.
I was slightly hesitant about it but I am intrigued by the apparent mix of women's and equal rights! Thanks for sharing and stopping by :)
Juli @ Universe in Words
Just Two? This seems like a strange answer, I wonder why?
Here is my TT for this week:
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