Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Accused by John Grisham

He disappeared into a utility closet, came out the other side onto a landing which led to another hidden staircase. In decades past, this had been used to haul convicts from the jail to the main courtroom to face the wrath of the judges, but now it was seldom used.

Title: Theodore Boone: The Accused 
Author: John Grisham
ISBN: 9781444757194
Publisher:  Hodder & Stoughton/2012

Pages: 288

Synopsis: [From the back cover]

Theodore Boone is the thirteen-year-old who knows more about the law than most adult lawyers. He certainly never expected to be a victim of crime himself. But then his bike is vandalized, he's attacked while doing his homework. and, worst of all, framed for robbery.

When stolen computer equipment turns up in Theo's school locker, the police start leaning on him hard. And he is the only suspect. What if he's found guilty? What about his dreams of becoming a lawyer?

In a race against time, aided by his renegade uncle, Ike, Theo must find the rel felon and reveal the true motivation behind the crimes of which he stands accused.

My views: 

Theo's bike is vandalized, someone throws a rock at his window while he is doing his homework, and most of the stolen computer equipment are found in his school locker. The police get an anonymous call and Theo is the prime suspect for the robbery.

Theo has nightmares of being put in jail and everyone calling him a jailbird. It went on and on. Then his Uncle tells him to steal the password of his parents filing system in the computer. Pre-teens are easily influenced and might end up thinking it is the done thing!

I do like Grisham novels but this one did not appeal to me.


Nise' said...

I was surprised at how much I like this series for Young Adults. Definitely will be getting this book.

Maryellen said...

hidden bookcase got my attention :)



Irish said...

I've always loved the idea of hidden passageways. Nice teaser.

My teaser is here.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

This one does sound good! I once lived in a house with hidden passageways...and my kids loved it!


Unknown said...

New Follower. I haven't read any John Grisham's yet but it sounds good.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a good thriller.


Cathy De Los Santos said...

I've never read anything by this author but I hear great things. Thanks for stopping by my teaser today!

Beth said...

A hidden staircase does sound intriguing. I am sharing two teasers this week.

Juli Rahel said...

Hhmm, I usually quite like Grisham's books, but this plot seems bit wobbly to me. The teaser sounds good though. Thanks for stopping by!
Juli @ Universe in Words

Harvee aka Gerry said...

Too bad you didn't like it. Sounds like a book for parents of young teens! My kids are way past that time.

Sheery said...

Oh, that's a really intriguing teaser. I had no idea Grisham wrote YA. I'll see if they're at my library.

Shelley Munro said...

A hidden entrance sounds very practical. I haven't read this one.

Here's My Teaser

NovelReveries said...

I've never read anything by John Grisham before, I think I'll start with this book! It sounds really interesting! Thanks for the teaser & synopsis :D

JC Jones said...

Sorry it did not appeal to you. The start sounds very interesting. Thanks for visiting.

CarpeDiem said...

SECRET PASSAGES! This book has got to be good if it has secret passages! lol great teaser! Thanks for sharing!

Here's mine:

Karen and Gerard said...

Good teaser--I liked the other book I read about Theodore Boone so I'd probably like this one too.

Here's ours: http://ourstack.blogspot.com/2012/08/tuesday-teasers-3-good-ones-for-you.html

Lizzy said...

Ooh hidden staircases?! Great teaser :)

Unknown said...

Very interesting teaser!

Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

I too love Grisham, sorry this one didn't appeal to you as much.