Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Salon: Massive Reading Block!!

I am undergoing through a massive reading block. I am unable to read anything at all. At least I could read slowly before this year started. I could manage to read 5-7 novels even in a block. Now that too is not happening. I don't know how to deal with it. 

I managed to read two novels till date from 1 Jan, 2012. 

 The Litigators by John Grisham (Jan)
Gods and Fathers by James LePore (Feb)

That speaks volumes, doesn't it?  I would also like to state that I am unable to write poetry too. Writing and Reading, both gone, I feel kinda lost. If anyone has any advise/suggestion, I welcome those.


bermudaonion said...

I'd say don't push it. Sit back and relax and it will come back.

Manicddaily said...

So sorry. I think spending a lot of time online can really discourage reading books because there is something very stimulating simply about the blue light of being on a computer. Have you tried a Kindle? If you are spending a lot of time online, it may be easier to read something electronic.

Also, have you tried reading things that are short? Poetry or short stories? Maybe easing back in.

Also, frankly, maybe pop fiction is not the answer. Maybe you want to try something more classic? Simply because more rewarding.

Or go the other way--young adult or childrens--just something purely fun.

Or books on tape?

Or books that are comic? I don't mean graphic, but something like Terry Pratchett?

Good luck!

Manicddaily said...

PS - at the risk of self-promotion, if you want a very silly escapist book, you could try my young adult comic novel NOSE DIVE, available on Amazon--Karin Gustafson. It is quite fun--I say teen, but it is probably most fun for those who just want a return to teendom, as it is very tongue-in-cheek. I'd be hapy to send you a copy or it's on Kindle for 99 cents.

I also have a book of poetry Going On Somewhere--I'm happy to send you copy. K.

Greta James said...

I have had a similar situation in that for almost a year I got away from blogging and reading my favorite blogs. In my case, I was occupied with writing and family situations.I think I simply had too much on my plate. As for reading I alternate among my laptop, print, and my Kindle. I find reading young adult fiction to be relaxing.

stacybuckeye said...

That's tough. Maybe you should try a new hobby? Maybe it would reenergize your love of reading. And, for me, spending less time online helps!