For any author who would like his/her book to be reviewed, contact me. Poetry books too are solicited for reviewing. However, there are some genres I tend to avoid. Feel free to ask me.
I must mention here that I read at my own pace and depending on my mood. Don't ask me to hurry.
I answered as if they were the same (loving while reading and fallen in love)
Check out my answer heret
I wouldn't call it love, but I certainly have crushes.
Yes, crushes for sure :)
I don't fall in love with the characters, I fall in love with language and the people who write the language, ie. Alan Furst and Sebastian Faulks. Richard Russo for his humor in Straight MAn, Chelsea Handler for her audacity, ie. Bill Murray for his realness and personality. I am in awe of talent, and I usually love everything I read. And I love Adele for her voice, her writing and her originality.
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