Thursday, March 1, 2012

Booking through Different Kind of Romance

btt button

Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character? Who and what about them did you love?

I have not fallen in love with any fictional characters as such but I have loved quite a few while reading the books. For their knowledge, acumen and empathy. Not all those in one person!!


brandileigh2003 said...

I answered as if they were the same (loving while reading and fallen in love)
Check out my answer heret

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

I wouldn't call it love, but I certainly have crushes.

Unknown said...

Yes, crushes for sure :)

Carolyn Rector said...

I don't fall in love with the characters, I fall in love with language and the people who write the language, ie. Alan Furst and Sebastian Faulks. Richard Russo for his humor in Straight MAn, Chelsea Handler for her audacity, ie. Bill Murray for his realness and personality. I am in awe of talent, and I usually love everything I read. And I love Adele for her voice, her writing and her originality.