Book bloggers blog because we love reading. Has book blogging changed the way you read? Have you discovered books you never would have apart from book blogging? How has book blogging affected your book acquisition habits? Have you made new connections with other readers because of book blogging? Choose any one of these topics and share your thoughts today!
I have always been a reader. I used to keep a journal with the lists of books I read. But nothing more than that. A book blogger friend, Lotus Reads, was a frequent commenter on my poetry blog, rooted. Once she tagged me for a book related meme. I never knew anything about those memes. But I did participate. I wrote about a lot of books that I had read over the years. I could recall books from so long ago. (I do have a photographic memory). She kind of forced me to start a book blog. I did that in 2006. I posted a few reviews but stopped. it took me 6-8 months to post on a regular basis. I have not looked back since then.
Then I found Dewey, who helped me finding book bloggers by her love for community. In a way, what we see in the book blog world is mainly her contributions. ( I do miss her presence). I won a lot of books from her giveaways. She used say, Gautami is so lucky to win! I also entered other giveaways and won a lot of books from almost everywhere,.(Now I am NOT so lucky!!)
I did not know of authors/publishers offering books. I read a few posts about how to acquire books. So I started to request those. Even a few of those genres I usually did not read. Rest, they say is history. Now authors/publishers offer me novels and I get to pick/choose. I do request those that interest me. Book blogs help me in making up my mind. I do pick up books which otherwise I wouldn't have.
Book blogging has made me look up new genres, new authors and people from all over the world. I am richer for it! I have made some lasting friendship with some. It doesn't matter we have not met, not one bit!
I've found lots of books I would never have read because of blogs too.
I agree that I am richer for having found Dewey and the book blogging community she introduced me to. I love finding new people online, especially fellow poets and poetry readers. Its so wonderful...so many different perspectives. One of these days, I'm going to get on a plane and visit India...all I need is money to do it. :)
I have also found a lot of books and short stories through blogs-I am sorry I joined the blogging community to late to know Dewey
My Post on Blogging and Reading
I agree with you. I'm amazed at the types of books I'm reading now that I didn't read before.
That's an amazing commitment to be blogging for so long!
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
I agree, I am richer for the experience, too!
I agree about Dewey having a lasting influence on the book blogging world. I was only a blogger for a few months before she passed, but I think I'm still the better for having known her.
I agree. Because of blogging, ,my reading list has gotten longer and my taste for different genres has broaden.
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