Mailbox Monday has moved over to Rose City Readerfor the month of January 2011.
I received three books following books:

1) A Heartbeat Away by Michael Palmer, thanks to the author.
Genesis, a domestic terrorist organization has released a deadly, highly contagious virus into the State of the Union Address. The president, Dr. Jim Allaire knows the virus well–his administration was developing it it before he abandoned the project. Allaire is forced to quarantine the Capitol and all 700 in it. Our government’s only hope is Griffin Rhodes, a virologist whom Allaire has been holding in solitary confinement in a federal prison for nine months because of a suspected terrorist act.
2) The Moving Finger by Agatha Christie, Thanks to Stacy of Stacy books
Lymstock is much like any other English village. Those that live there enjoy the peace of rural life until a series of poison pen letters destroy the safety they took for granted. When one villager commits suicide and another is murdered, the village is plunged into suspicion and terror. Once a village of trust, now all inhabitants are on the brink of accusations. Who could be writing the letters and why? Perhaps Miss Marple might be of help...
5) Cut Short by Leigh Russell, thanks to the author
D.S. Geraldine Steel expects the quiet town of Woolsmarsh to be dull. She quickly discovers she is wrong. The park is a place where children play, friends sit and gossip, people walk their dogs, or take a short cut to avoid the streets. But in the shadows a predator prowls, hunting for victims. A woman sees the killer and comes forward as a witness-someone whom the killer must stop at all costs. For D.S. Geraldine Steel, it is a race against time to find the killer before he strikes again, as public pressure mounts with the growing death toll.
Do you prefer deep, intellectual, “meaty” books… or light, “fluffy” books? Why? Give us an example of your preferred type of book.
I prefer deep, intellectual books. Those include Crime Fiction, Poetry, Historicals etc. You can explore my blog to know what kind of books I read.
Hi there! Hope you are well!
I have joined in with the Musing Monday today...
Here is my answer and my favourite choice of book…
Meaty or Fluffy?
Happy Monday!
Enjoy the mailbox.
All 3 seem pretty good; enjoy!
Nice assortment of books. I would especially enjoy the Christie one. She is perfect for these cold winter nights!
You had a great week. The Michael Palmer book looks so good. I'm in between - I don't like my books too heavy or too light.
I like to stay right in the middle, not too meaty and not too fluffy. Yes, it should be fun, but I still need a bit of a challenge.
WOW..for relaxing I like a lighter read, the brain needs a break once in a while,
A Heartbeat Away sounds really good. It has been awhile since I've read a book by Michael Palmer. Enjoy your week!
I like a nice balance. I don't like heavy, but I like meaty...I don't like pointless, but I like fluffy. Check out my answer for this weeks Monday Musing.
I hope you are enjoying Dead Head.
As for the book preference - like a mix... sometimes heavy, and then I need a break and read something light....
here's mine
I have not read any Michael Palmer books. Cut Short sounds good. Enjoy!
If I just read a "meaty, heavy" book, then I like to follow it up with a lighter one.
Love the picture of you and your mom!
I love your answer to the Monday Musing question.
OH Cut Short sounds like my type of read. The short blurp has me marking it down in the books.
A Heartbeat Away sounds like it will be a page-turner. :) Happy reading.
Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi
I have been in a real Agatha Christie mood lately, so that one looks really good to me.
Thanks for participating in Mailbox Monday!
Rose City Reader
It's been ages since I last read an Agatha Christie novel. I need to jump back into her books. She used to be one of my favorite authors. I really enjoy reading crime fiction as well.
Glad you received it :)
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