Thursday, August 7, 2008

Booking through Other Worlds

Are there any particular worlds in books where you’d like to live? Or where you certainly would NOT want to live? What about authors? If you were a character, who would you trust to write your life?

I am happy enough in the world I live in. In the prevailing times, we do have a choice of pretty well doing what we want. For me gender equality is very important.

Saying that, I don't think I can survive in the world of The Handmaid's Tale. It is so scary out there. Victorian era is not for me either. Women were glorified and still looked down upon.

I can live in a magical world. Like Harry Potter's one. I would like to be good witch waving my magic wand and flying on brooms.

I suppose I can trust Rowling for creating a great character out of me. You either love her books or hate those but you can't ignore them. That's what I wish my character to be if depicted in a book.