Thursday, February 28, 2008

Babyproofing your Marriage by Stacie Cockrell, Cathy O'Neill, and Julia Stone

Title: Babyproofing Your Marriage
Authors: Stacie Cockrell, Cathy O'Neill, and Julia Stone

ISBN: 978-0-06-117354-7
Publisher: Collins-An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublisher/2007
Pages: 273/Hardcover

I received this book from Collins, which is a part of Harper Collins publisher for reading and reviewing.

This is a book which ought be read by all those who are going to become parents and by singles too who are having relationships with someone who has a child. This book might somewhat prepare them what to expect. One can't really follow it like a clockwork as each situation is different, but one can get a lead somewhere.

Three woman got together and wrote this book from their point of view. They take issues like stay at home mothers, working mothers. Life after a child is not same any more. Sex life gets haywire and sleep becomes non-existent. A mother feels tired and depressed all the time but a husband expects the same kind of life even after becoming a father.

Every one from relatives to friends start giving unwanted advice. Each grand parent feels that the child looks like them. How having more kids affects the family including the older child? How to balance these and more? How to set priorities and acton those? How do we deal with situations? How do we get back to the life prior to children? All these issues have been well covered.

Sharing work, mutual respect and placing value on work should all be taken into account. Husband and wife need not be adversaries. They are on the same side nurturing their family. If all understood that, family can function as an unit. Helping out, taking time out, planning to spend time with family..all these have to be considered too.

This book covers so much more.
I truly liked reading this although I am single and do not have children. It takes up each aspect in a witty manner, and not in a patronising tone. That makes this book very readable.