Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Teaser Tuesdays: The Minefields by Steven C. Eisner

"Dad always made lists. And he wasn't satisfied until he'd spit out every last point he had pencilled on his sheet of paper."

~~Page 74

This somehow reminded of my dad. He was the same way.


Anonymous said...

He's manic with a list. That would drive me nuts.

collettakay said...

My mom has passed her list making on to me :) It helps me not miss anything.

Love your teaser. Here's mine:



fredamans said...

I'm a list maker too.

Anonymous said...

Good teaser, I find myself making lists a lot.


Nise' said...

Love it. I am a list maker too.

Unknown said...

Lists are important. :p


Paulita said...

It took me a couple of reads to figure out what this meant. I was picturing him spitting out pencil points! Here's Mine

Sandra Nachlinger said...

This is a great teaser. But maybe I just think so because I'm a list-maker too.
Here's my teaser: Sandy's Teaser

Yvonne said...

I love this teaser! A great one.

Alyce said...

It's great to be able to match a description so closely to someone you know. :)

Pam (@iwriteinbooks) said...

Ah, I unfortunately know many like this!

stacybuckeye said...

I Love lists! Make them and then lose them all the time ;)