Monday, April 23, 2012

Mondays: Mailbox/What are you Reading?/Musings

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at A Girl and Her Books. This month it is hosted by Cindy of Cindy's love of Books.

I received three novels this past week, thanks to authors/publicists.

1) Calico Joe by John Grisham

2) All He Saw Was The Girl by Peter Leonard

3) The Good Father by Diane Chamberlain

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila of Book Journey

I finished reading:

1) A Scarlet Bride by Sylvia McDaniel
2) Before the Midnight Bells by Jessica Woodard
I am in the midst of reading:

Calico Joe by John Grisham

Other than working at a job, what is your biggest interruption to reading? What takes you away from your book(s)?

Right now I am undergoing  a reading slump. So I am watching a lot of series in TV.  Otherwise nothing else can.


Mystica said...

The Good Father is the one I'd like to see your views on.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I liked Calico Joe; hope u do as well.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I'm feeling a wee bit slumpy myself. I have no idea what I want to read next.

my It's Monday! What Are You Reading?
I hope you'll stop by and say hello!

CMash said...

I hope you enjoy all three books received as much as I did. Have a great week!!

Amy said...

I LOVE your answer! Watching tv is a distraction of mine too – thank you for sharing! :)

Here’s mine:

Mary (Bookfan) said...

I'll be watching for your review of Calico Joe. I liked it but I'm a baseball fan :)

Cathy De Los Santos said...

Ah yes the inevitable tv. It's addicting. Here's my Musing
Cathy @ Addicted to Books

The Brunette Librarian said...

People seem to be really liking Calico Joe! Hope you do too!

Happy Reading this week! It's Monday! What Are YOU Reading??

Kristin said...

I received The Good Father two weeks ago and will be reading it soon. It looks like it's going to be a good read.

Have a great week!
Kristin @ Always With a Book

bermudaonion said...

All of your new books sound good!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good reading week ahead of you, enjoy!

caite said...

I need a reading slump sometimes to let me catch up on Real Life's demands!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Those are all new to me titles. I hope you enjoy them :)

Alyce said...

Those are all new to me. Have a great week of reading!

Kwizgiver said...

I hate when I am in a reading slump. But then I start reading again and remember how much I LOVE to read!

JC Jones said...

How do you manage to get in a reading slump? That is one that is not a problem for me. Here is my post?