Thursday, January 19, 2012

Booking Through Skipping

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Do you skip ahead in a book? Do you feel badly about it when you do?

For some books, I have skipped chunks. Geographical descriptions and author's philosophical thoughts fall under those categories, which made me skip. And also when the author get repetitive.

I have not really felt bad skipping. Why should I? There is so much more to read. Why waste time on boring parts?


Sara said...

I've read Gone with the Wind probably 20 times and have ended up skipping 50 or 80 pages every time.

Unknown said...

I also dislike when an author starts repeating himself. It gets to be such a pain.

Unknown said...

Yes, it's the overlong descriptions that are the killers, isn't it? I really have to cut them out...(even if they sounded lovely to me, the writer LOL). Fortunately I don't do monologues, least I don't think so...

bermudaonion said...

I'm not a skimmer or a skipper but sometimes I wish I were!

Ann Summerville said...

It used to make me feel bad if I wanted to skip, but I've got over that. One book that I'm glad I persevered with though is The Zookeeper's Wife. The first 59 pages were an information dump but after that it was a very interesting read.

Grant Goodman said...

I don't skim or skip. However if I find a book is going nowhere I abandon it after 100 pages. If an author can not get my attention by then, the book is not worth ionvesting my time in.

stacybuckeye said...

So honest and true. I don't feel bad about skipping anymore either.