Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weekly Geeks: Wish List

Is your wishlist as big as your TBR pile? What books are topping your list? Are there any new releases that you are counting down the days for?

Most of us have
wishlists. And those are several miles long. I also have some authors on my wish list. I feel that our book bloggers friends are solely responsible for adding to our wishlists.

Here I list only a handful of what I have in my wishlist, in no particular order:

The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness

Out by Natsuo Kirino

The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh

Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

The Graveyard Book by Niel Gaiman

Mystic River by David Lehane

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest by Stieg Larsson

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami

The Three Incestuous Sisters: An Illustrated Novel by Audrey Niffenegger

Hard Rain by Barry Eisler

Rain Fall by Barry Eisler

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Author wishlist:

Haruki Murakami

Margaret Atwood


Rikki said...

Never heard of that Niffenegger novel before. That sounds interesting. Must check it out. Happy Weekend!

Bernadette said...

You're right, if there weren't other book bloggers out there I'd have nothing on my wishlist at all. Good luck with getting all your wishes :)

Erotic Horizon said...

You always introduce me to the books I had not idea I would be interested in..

Gaiman book is so good - I look forward to your thoughts..

Never heard of that Niffenegger novel either -I will look it it up..


Brittanie said...

I want to read The Help and the Steig Larsen series. :)

Molly (Restless Reader) said...

I've been reading a lot of Haruki Murakami titles lately. My favorite is probably Kafka on the Shore.

Check out my wish list on Restless Reader!

Melanie said...

I've read some Murakami and enjoyed all of it but not the one you've listed. The Graveyard Book is fantastic though! hope you enjoy it!

Shelly said...

The Art of Racing in the Rain was a good read. I enjoyed it very much.

I, too, will need to look up that Niffenegger novel.

Unknown said...

ooooo, I love me some Margaret Atwood! Have you read her at all before? If not, I think that Handmaid's Tale is the best way into her work, though The Blind Assassin is probably my favorite of her works. Happy reading!