Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A-Z Wednesday: Ariel by Sylvia Plath

Title: Ariel
Author: Sylvia Plath
ISBN: 9780060931728
Publisher: HarperPerennial Modern Classics
Pages: 105
Genre: Poetry
Rating: 5/5

Plath is one of my favourite poets of all times. Her poetry borders on the dark. How does one review it, other than saying I liked it and will read it again and again.

Plath has taken poetry to new heights. These impassioned pieces touch our soul to the core. They speak of turbulent emotions with a brilliancy bordering on the raw side of life. Starknes of her poems enhances the austerity beautifully. The imaginary word comes alive out of her poetry.

Her poetry is so deeply personal yet I connected with it. Her female essence marvellously comes out of the depth of her imagination. All aspects of a woman..charming, witty, acerbic, playful, girlish, sour, fanciful and much more can be found here. She does get a bit repetitive but which great poet doesn't.

Each and every poem in this collection is work of greatness. To be read, savoured and read again. A must read for poetry lovers and all those who ought to read poetry.



Nise' said...

I have not read any of her poetry.

Michelle said...

I absolutely adore Sylvia Plath's poems, even in all their dark and brooding times. One of my favorite things about Ariel especially is that images that can seem somewhat innocent on the outset will, with repeated readings, get more insidious.

Glad you enjoyed this one, too!

Zia said...

I've never heard of this before thanks for sharing!

Serena said...

I agree with your review. I adore her poetry because it is dark and brooding. I really love the rawness in her words.

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of her work. I also love the collected poems, especially because it includes Three Women, which is one of my absolute favorites of hers.

Irene said...

I haven't read her poems either, but thank you for the reminder. thanks for stopping by.

Enbrethiliel said...


Oh, poetry! Excellent! =D

I hadn't realised how rarely collections of poetry get reviewed on book blogs until I read this.

Sylvia Plath is great. =)

Anonymous said...

I've only read The Bell Jar, I'not read her poetry. I guess I should!

fredamans said...

I love poetry.

Joyful said...

I have a hard time understanding poetry. I believe it would be difficult to review.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of poetry but I've read Plath's The Bell Jar and I liked it.

Sandra said...

It's always nice to find someone who loves her work too. I read Ariel when I was young and still have my old copy. Thanks for reviewing this and the good memories it gave me.

Anonymous said...

I love poetry but have never read Plath!

Thanks for playing!

Veens said...

I wish I could appreciate poetry like u do!

Kim said...

It is because of the darkness of her work that I tend to stay away from it. I do need to take more time and read some poetry--stretch my mind a bit!