Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Secret Hour by Luanne Rice

Drops of blood splashed on the floor. Focused, John examined his daughter to make sure she hadn't gotten cut.

Title: The Secret Hour
Author: Luanne Rice
ISBN: 0553584014
Publisher: Bantam/2003
Pages: 395

The Secret Hour is a mystery, a thriller and a romance. I would say the reality element is scary part of it. At times, it feels as if this is happening.

Based in New England, John O'Rourke is a defense lawyer for a serial killer and is detested by people for his work. His children, Maggie and Teddy too have to cope with the rigors of his work. They are targets of hate and much ridicule. Their mother had died in an accident and no baby-sitter lasts long due to the erratic long hours kept by John.

Then Kate arrives one fine morning. The same day someone had hurled a brick through their window. With no rhyme or reason, kids take to her. Her warmth reaches out to them. John is sceptical. Kate is looking for her sister Willa, who had disappeared some 6 months back just a little before the serial killer was caught. She wants John to help, who is reluctant for the same. He feels he can't betray his client's confidences.

The bonding between the siblings, be it Maggie and Teddy or Kate and Willa is shown to be very strong. Each can go to any length to save the other. John is tormented by his memories of his dead wife, his work and his attraction for Kate. The children sense that Kate is their side and they bask in her love and reciprocate it.

When another murder takes place in the same way as before, everyone is flabbergasted. That means there is someone else, who is copying the murder of that serial killer. Who is that person? And when it does come into light, we can't believe it. Luanne Rice has managed to keep the mystery and the suspense alive until the end. The matter is not as easy at it seems what with murders and serial killers. There isn't much romance but that somehow makes sense in this page turner.


Booklogged said...

Love mysteries and thrillers! This one sounds really good.

Staci said...

Sounds like a good read. Enjoy!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I remember reading this one a few ears ago and liked it. Rice has disappointed tough in the past. Great review.

Book Bird Dog said...

Nice to know Rice writes thrillers/mysteries. Here's my Teaser

Anonymous said...

I really like mystery books! And this one sounds good

Here's my Teaser Tuesday

JoAnn said...

I've never read Luanne Rice, but this sounds like a good one.

jlshall said...

Haven't heard of this one, but it sounds really good. Nice teaser and review!

Teddyree said...

You picked a great tease and this sounds like a book I'd enjoy!
Here's my Teaser

Margot at Joyfully Retired said...

Sounds like a good mystery.

BooksPlease said...

Sounds like a real page turner.

Unknown said...

I usually don't read these types of books, but this one sounds good.


Zia said...

Sounds like a great mystery! I kind of want to know where the blood came from if not from the daughter.

Jennifer said...

Oh this does sound good. Another book to add!
Mine is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/10/casting-off-teaser-tuesdays.html

Anonymous said...

I love mysteries with some added romance. The teaser makes me wonder whose blood it is.

kayerj said...

sounds like a good read :) I like the addition of the children as part of the mystery. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Interesting teaser and this sounds like a great book - very suspenseful. I've read some of her other books and enjoyed them so I'll have to check it out.

Anonymous said...

I love mystrey , thrillers...
Here is mine:

Missy B. said...

I have never read any of Luanne Rice's novels. This one sounds good.

Literature Crazy said...

Sounds like a great one. Thanks for posting the tease.

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Mystery, thriller, and romance... sign me up =)

Excellent teaser!

Bryan R. Terry said...

As a father, that certainly grabbed my attention!

My teaser is HERE

Anonymous said...

I have this one in my TBR pile. I think I'll like it after reading your review!

Janet said...

Thanks for dropping by to check out my teaser on this wonderful Tuesday. lol I like your teaser as well. Good one!

Heather said...

Sounds like my kind of intrigue! Mine is here.

Susan said...

I've been thinking about picking this one up. Great review :)

Book Dragon said...

Thanks for the comment on my teaser.

I like your teaser....off to add it to my wish list....

Wendi said...

Ohhh- great teaser! Hope everyone is ok.

Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

Danielle said...

This sounds like a good escapist read and I love the cover. It must take place by the seaside, so I will have to check it out!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great mystery. Nice teaser!

Darlene said...

Great teaser. I like reading Luanne Rice once in a while.

Cecelia said...

Blood...usually NOT a good sign. Great teaser - it sets up a sense of tension nicely!

Thanks for coming by my blog!

christine said...

I have never read this author but have been curious. This teaser is a little creepy to me as my daughter had 65 stitches in her arm a couple of months back after falling into a fish tank. Ouch - talk about blood.

Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com said...

Oh wow! I do like the sound of this one! Very nice - thank you.

Hope you are enjoying Cleopatra's Daughter, I loved it!


Nan said...

Very scary sounding book!

Framed said...

Sounds very good. I don't remember reading any of her books before but may have to change that.